Classifying polygons
Topic Notes
In this lesson, we will learn:
- How to name polygons: triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, heptagons, and octagons
- How to classify regular vs. irregular polygons
- How to read markings on polygons: hashmarks for congruent sides, semicircles for congruent angles, arrows for parallel sides, and squares (right angles) for perpendicular sides
- Polygons are 2D shapes with straight sides only. All polygons have sides (straight lines/edges) and vertices (corners/points where sides meet).
- Polygons are named by the number of sides they have:

- Polygons can be regular or irregular. Regular polygons have congruent sides and angles; all sides and all angles are equal. Irregular polygons do not have same size sides and angles.

- Congruent sides can be shown with hashmarks (matching lines on the sides that are equal)
- Congruent angles can be shown with either semicircles with hashmarks, or with concentric circles