Representing numbers: Roman numerals

  1. What are Roman Numerals and what symbols are used to write them?
  2. How to write Roman Numerals
  3. How do you add the values of Roman Numerals?
  4. How do you subtract that values of Roman Numerals?
  1. Roman Numeral Basics - Practice Writing
    Write the roman numerals for:

    1. For the ones place value (from 1 to 10)
    2. For the tens place value (from 10 to 100; skip counting by 10)
    3. For the hundreds place value (from 100 to 1000; skip counting by 100)
  2. Roman Numeral Problem Solving Riddle
    What is the longest roman numeral (the most letters)? Out of all the numbers between 1-1000?
  3. Converting Roman Numerals into Standard Form Numbers
    Write each Roman numeral as a number in standard form. Show all your work for the addition/subtraction of the values.

    1. XXXIX
    2. XLVI
    4. CCXIX
  4. Converting Numbers into Roman Numerals
    Write each number as a Roman numeral. Show all your work for representing the addition/subtraction of the values.

    1. 23
    2. 98
    3. 461
    4. 750
    5. 1239
    6. 4758
  5. Using Roman Numerals to Solve Trivia Questions
    Solve for the Roman numerals' value to find out the answer to the history fact!

    1. In what year did the first two humans, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, land on the moon? In the year: MCMLXIX
    2. When was the first car invented? In the year: MDCCCLXXXVI
    3. When was the first airplane invented? In the year: MCMIII
    4. When was the first modern computer invented and created? Between the years MCMXXXVI and MCMXLVIII