Discover comprehensive Grade 5 math courses aligned with Florida standards. Our curriculum covers essential topics, providing a strong foundation for future mathematical concepts and academic success.
FL Standard | Shortened Benchmark | StudyPug Topic |
MA.5.NSO.1.1 | Express how the value of a digit in a multi-digit number changes if the digit moves one place to the left or right |
MA.5.NSO.1.2 | Read and write multi-digit numbers using standard form, expanded form and word form |
MA.5.NSO.1.3 | Compose and decompose multi-digit numbers |
MA.5.NSO.1.4 | Plot, order and compare multi-digit numbers |
MA.5.NSO.1.5 | Round multi-digit numbers to the nearest whole number, tenth, hundredth or thousandth |
MA.5.NSO.2.1 | Multiply multi-digit whole numbers including using a standard algorithm |
MA.5.NSO.2.2 | Divide multi-digit whole numbers, up to five digits by two digits |
MA.5.NSO.2.3 | Add and subtract multi-digit numbers with decimals to the thousandths |
MA.5.NSO.2.4 | Explore multiplication and division of multi-digit numbers with decimals to the hundredths |
MA.5.NSO.2.5 | Multiply and divide a multi-digit number with decimals to the tenths by one-tenth and one-hundredth |
MA.5.FR.1.1 | Given a mathematical or real-world problem, represent the division of two whole numbers as a fraction |
MA.5.FR.2.1 | Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators |
MA.5.FR.2.2 | Extend previous understanding of multiplication to multiply a fraction by a fraction |
MA.5.FR.2.3 | When multiplying a given number by a fraction less than 1 or a fraction greater than 1, predict and explain the relative size of the product to the given number |
MA.5.FR.2.4 | Extend previous understanding of division to explore the division of a unit fraction by a whole number and a whole number by a unit fraction |
MA.5.AR.1.1 | Solve multi-step real-world problems involving any combination of the four operations with whole numbers |
MA.5.AR.1.2 | Solve real-world problems involving the addition, subtraction or multiplication of fractions |
MA.5.AR.2.1 | Translate written real-world and mathematical descriptions into numerical expressions and numerical expressions into written mathematical descriptions |
MA.5.AR.2.2 | Evaluate multi-step numerical expressions using order of operations |
MA.5.AR.2.3 | Determine and explain whether an equation involving any of the four operations is true or false |
MA.5.AR.2.4 | Given a mathematical or real-world context, write an equation using a variable to represent an unknown quantity |
MA.5.AR.3.1 | Given a numerical pattern, identify and write a rule that can describe the pattern as an expression |
MA.5.AR.3.2 | Given a rule for a numerical pattern, use a two-column table to record the inputs and outputs |
MA.5.M.1.1 | Solve multi-step real-world problems that involve converting measurement units to equivalent measurements within a single system of measurement |
MA.5.GR.1.1 | Classify triangles or quadrilaterals into different categories based on shared defining attributes |
MA.5.GR.1.2 | Identify and classify three-dimensional figures into categories based on their defining attributes |
MA.5.GR.2.1 | Find the perimeter and area of rectangles using formulas, given whole number side lengths |
MA.5.GR.3.1 | Explore volume as an attribute of three-dimensional figures by packing them with unit cubes without gaps |
MA.5.GR.3.2 | Find the volume of right rectangular prisms with whole-number side lengths using a visual model and a formula |
MA.5.GR.3.3 | Solve real-world problems involving the volume of right rectangular prisms |
MA.5.GR.4.1 | Identify the origin and axes in the coordinate system |
MA.5.GR.4.2 | Plot ordered pairs on the coordinate plane |
MA.5.DP.1.1 | Collect, represent and interpret numerical data using tables, line graphs or line plots |
MA.5.DP.1.2 | Interpret numerical data represented with tables, line graphs or line plots to answer questions about a situation |