Introduction to decimals
Topic Notes
In this lesson, we will learn:
- Decimals are numbers with place values even smaller than the ones place
- How to use base ten (block) models to represent a decimal's place values (ones place, tenths place, hundredths place) using hundred blocks, tens sticks, and single blocks
- How to write decimals in standard, expanded, and written forms.
- Decimals are numbers with place values even smaller than the ones place.
- You can write a decimal point (.) at the end of any whole number
- Writing digits to the right of the decimal point gives decimal place values
- The names of decimal place values mirror the names of whole number place values, but you need to add the "-ths" suffix to the end.
- Each place value is 10 times MORE than the place on its right
- Each place value is 10 times LESS than the place on its left
- Decimals can be represented with base ten (block) models
- "One whole" or hundred block = ones place value
- Column or stick = tenths place value
- Single square = hundredths place value
Ex. 1.5 shows decimal place of tenths; 2.64 shows decimal place of hundredths
Ex. 111.11
Ex. 1.25

- Decimals can be written in standard, expanded, and written forms:
- Standard form: the decimal is written with number digits and a decimal point
- Expanded form: the decimal is written as a sum of values for all place values
- Written form: the decimal is written with words naming digits and place values from left to right
- Trailing zeroes (at the end/right of the number) are NOT important in decimals
- Ex. 0.5 and 0.50 are equal (5 tenths = 50 hundredths)
Ex. 12.34 (read aloud as "twelve point three four")