Comparing and ordering numbers up to millions
Topic Notes
In this lesson, we will learn:
- To compare whole numbers up to millions place values by finding the biggest place value of difference
- To order a list of whole numbers up to millions place values by using a place value table
- To compare numbers, look at each place value digit starting on the left (biggest place value)
- Find the biggest place value where the numbers are different to determine which number is bigger or smaller
- Ex. 267,043,359 is bigger than 248,143,358

- When comparing numbers, we use the symbols:

- Ex. 267,043,359 is bigger than 248,143,358
Therefore, 267,043,359 > 248,143,358
- There are two ways to order numbers, from:
- Least to greatest (smallest to biggest)
- Or greatest to least (biggest to smallest)
- One tool to help order a list of numbers is by using a place value table
- Ex. Order the numbers from least to greatest: 12 654, 13 465, 9 546, 11 564

- The place value table allows you to compare all place values clearly.
- 9 546 < 11 564 < 12 654 < 13 465