Place Value

  1. What is Place Value?
  2. What is Decimal Place Value?
  1. Write the value of the 5 in each number.
    1. 6530
    2. 53 694
    3. 287 698 015
    4. 2.5
  2. Write each number in words.
    1. The highest mountain in the world has an elevation of around 8 848 meters.
    2. The earth lies at an average distance of 93 000 000 miles from the sun.
    3. The distance around Mars is approximately 21 344.23 km.
  3. Margaret is starting a quilting project. She measured the lengths of her square pieces of fabric in cm. Write the given lengths in expanded form.
    1. 9.05
    2. 11.8
    3. 120. 07