Subtracting Fractions with Like Denominators

  1. Method A: Simplify by using greatest common factors
  2. Method B: Simplify by using common factors
  1. Subtracting Fractions With Small Numbers
    Subtract. Then, simplify when possible.
    1. 6878\frac{6}{8}-\frac{7}{8}
    2. 1011911\frac{10}{11}-\frac{9}{11}
    3. 1 - 1224\frac{12}{24}
  2. Word Problems: Subtracting Fractions
    Marry is swimming 200m of freestyle at a competition. She still has 710\frac{7}{10} of the race to go. If she swims 210\frac{2}{10} more of the race, will she be halfway through? Show your work.
  3. Teresa and Maggie buy a bag of chips at the store. Teresa eats 29\frac{2}{9} of the bag and Maggie eats 59\frac{5}{9} of the bag. How much of the bag is left?
  4. Subtracting Fractions With Large Numbers
    Subtract. Then, simplify when possible.
    1. 726780126780\frac{726}{780} - \frac{126}{780}
    2. 23126084260\frac{231}{260} - \frac{84}{260}
    3. 129693(213693)\frac{129}{693} - ( - \frac{213}{693} )
    4. 26538078380103380\frac{265}{380} - \frac{78}{380} - \frac{103}{380}