Counting forwards

  1. How do we count forwards?
  2. How do we count forwards with negative numbers?
  3. How do we count forwards with big place values?
  4. How can we use counting forwards to understand addition?
  1. Counting forwards to find the next numbers
    Fill in the next four blanks after each number by counting forwards.
    1. 73, ___, ___, ___, ___
    2. 245, ___, ___, ___, ___
    3. 6319, ___, ___, ___, ___
    4. 78 046, ___, ___, ___, ___
    5. 1 520 898, ___, ___, ___, ___
    6. -2, ___, ___, ___, ___
    7. -100, ___, ___, ___, ___
  2. Counting forwards to find numbers between
    List the numbers in between the given numbers by counting forwards.
    1. 84 and 92
    2. 7529 and 7536
    3. 12 695 and 12 703
    4. -54 and -49
  3. Counting forwards and addition statements
    Count forwards to find the difference between two numbers. Then, rewrite as an addition statement.
    1. 359 and 365
    2. 412 768 and 412 779
    3. 5 999 996 and 6 000 005
    4. -102 and -93
  4. Counting forwards word problem
    Gwen and 5 of her friends go to a carnival together. Each person got a raffle ticket. Gwen was first, and her number is "240 997". The raffle tickets are labelled in order. What are the numbers of her friends' tickets?