Adding Fractions with Like Denominators

  1. Simplify fractions: Method A - By using greatest common factors
  2. Simplify fractions: Method B - By using common factors
  3. How to add fractions?
  1. Adding One-digit Fractions
    Add. Then, simplify when possible.
    1. 25+35\frac{2}{5}+\frac{3}{5}
    2. 34+24\frac{3}{4}+\frac{2}{4}
    3. 29+19\frac{2}{9}+\frac{1}{9}
  2. Word Problems Involving One-digit Fractions
    Laura and Mary are making bread for their grandchildren. They have one bag of flour. Laura needs 24\frac{2}{4} of the bag and Mary needs 34\frac{3}{4} of the bag. Do they have enough flour to make the bread? Show your work.
  3. Abby and her 2 friends are each making one necklace. They are sharing one package each of glittery beads, clear beads and blue beads. For each necklace, they need 16\frac{1}{6} of a package of glittery beads, 36\frac{3}{6} of a package of clear beads and 26\frac{2}{6} of a package of blue beads. Do they have enough beads? Show your work.
  4. Adding Multiple-digit Fractions
    Add. Then, simplify when possible.
    1. 1284+1884\frac{12}{84} + \frac{18}{84}
    2. 82198+113198\frac{82}{198} + \frac{113}{198}
    3. 169475+137475\frac{169}{475} + \frac{137}{475}
    4. 173198+(101198)\frac{173}{198} + (-\frac{101}{198})
    5. 221345+124345\frac{221}{345} + \frac{124}{345}
    6. 13140+5140+10140\frac{13}{140} + \frac{5}{140} + \frac{10}{140}