Introduction to decimals

  1. What are decimals?
  2. How to use base ten (block) models to represent decimals
  3. Standard, expanded, and written forms for decimals
  1. Naming decimal place values
    Write the place value of the underlined digit in the decimal number.
    1. 14.9
    2. 357.2
    3. 0.68
    4. 4.21
  2. Decimal digit values
    Fill out the value of each digit in the boxes. Then, write the expanded and written forms for the decimal.
    1. Intro to decimals
    2. Intro to decimals
    3. Intro to decimals
    4. Intro to decimals
  3. Decimals represented by base ten (block) models
    What is the decimal represented by the base ten (block) model?
    1. Intro to decimals
    2. Intro to decimals
    3. Intro to decimals
    4. Intro to decimals
  4. Equivalent decimal tenths and hundredths
    Using the list of decimals shown below:

    0.60 \enspace 0.04 \enspace 0.20 \enspace 0.5 \enspace 0.02 \enspace 0.40 \enspace 0.2 \enspace 0.8 \enspace 0.4 \enspace 0.31 \enspace 0.97 \enspace 0.06 \enspace
    1. Circle all equivalent pairs of decimals and write out number sentences using the equal (=) sign
    2. Colour in a hundredths model block to represent each equivalent pair.

      Intro to decimals
    3. Describe each pair of equivalent decimals from parts a and b using words (written as number of tenths vs. number of hundredths)

      Intro to decimals