Subtraction strategies

  1. Mental math and differences of 10
  2. Subtraction strategy #1: friendly number with adjustment
  3. Subtraction strategy #2: friendly number by adding to both numbers
  4. Subtraction strategy #3: counting on from the first number
  1. Subtracting by breaking up the subtrahend
    Subtract by breaking up the number being taken away.
    Fill in the blanks by following the example:
    Subtraction Strategies
    1. 57 - 9 = 57 - 7 - ____ = 50 - ____ = ____
    2. 64 - 7 = 64 - ____ - ____ = 60 - ____ = ____
    3. 38 - 9 = 38 - ____ - ____ = 30 - ____ = ____
    4. 92 - 8 = 92 - ____ - ____ = ____ - _____ = _____
  2. Subtracting by 9 strategy
    Subtract 9 by: subtracting 10 first, then putting 1 back
    1. 17 - 9 = ____
      17 - 10 = ____ + 1 = ____
    2. 42 - 9 = ____
      42 - 10 = ____ + 1 = ____
    3. 35 - 9 = ____
      35 - 10 = ____ + 1 = ____
  3. Subtracting by 8 strategy
    Subtract 8 by: subtracting 10 first, then putting 2 back
    1. 15 - 8 = ____
      15 - 10 = ____ + 2 = ____
    2. 63 - 8 = ____
      63 - 10 = ____ + 2 = ____
    3. 47 - 8 = ____
      47 - 10 = ____ + 2 = ____
  4. Subtracting using friendly numbers with adjustment
    Subtract by changing one number into a "friendly" number and adjust. Fill in the blanks.
    1. Subtraction Strategies
    2. Subtraction Strategies
    3. Subtraction Strategies
  5. Subtraction strategy: make friendly numbers by adding to both numbers
    Subtract: make "friendly" numbers by adding to both numbers. Fill in the blanks.
    1. Subtraction Strategies
    2. Subtraction Strategies
    3. Subtraction Strategies
  6. Subtraction strategy: counting on from the second number
    Subtract by counting on from the second number. Show your work.
    1. 573 - 252 = ____
    2. 408 - 126 = ____
    3. 847 - 639 = ____