Probability outcomes for coins, dice, and spinners

Topic Notes

In this lesson, we will learn:

  • What is probability in math?
  • How to write probability as a fraction
  • How to list all the outcomes for probability events (using coins, dice, and spinners)


  • Probability is math for events that only sometimes happen. The chances of something happening can be likely or unlikely to happen.
    • Calculating probability is like predicting the future. We are trying to get a measure of the chances that something will happen.

  • Arithmetic math (all basic operations; adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing numbers) is certain. In comparison, probability math is uncertain--but still predictable.

  • Probability can be given as a fraction, following the formula format:

  • Probability = numberofoutcomeswantedtotalnumberpossibleoutcomes\frac{number\,of\, outcomes\, wanted} {total\,number\,possible\,outcomes}

  • Outcomes are all the possible endings that could happen for a situation.
    • Some simple probability situations that are often used in math problems include: tossing a coin, rolling a six-sided die, and spinning the arrow on a spinner.

  • Coins: Probability Outcomes for Coins, Dice, and Spinners
    • If you toss a coin, it will land on a flat side—either on heads or tails
    • So, there are 2 possible outcomes to a coin toss: heads or tails
    • The probability of landing on heads is PP(heads) = 12\frac{1}{2}
    • The probability of landing on heads is PP(tails) = 12\frac{1}{2}

  • Dice: Probability Outcomes for Coins, Dice, and Spinners (a six-sided die, if singular)
    • When rolling a die, it will land with one of its six flat faces facing up (on top). There are six sides labelled from 1 to 6.
    • So, there are 6 possible outcomes to a die roll: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6
    • The probability of landing on any one side (1-6) is one out of six chances
    • PP (1) =PP (2) = PP (3) = PP (4) = PP (5) = PP (6) = 16\frac{1}{6}

  • Spinners: Probability Outcomes for Coins, Dice, and Spinners (can have any number of equal parts; labels with numbers, letters, etc.)
    • When using a spinner, the arrow will land on one of the marked regions. In this case, there are 4 different coloured regions.
    • So, there are 4 possible outcomes for this spinner: red, yellow, green, or blue
    • The probability of landing on any one of the colors is one out of four chances
    • PP (Red) = PP (Yellow) = PP (Green) = PP (Blue) = 14\frac{1}{4}