Calendar dates

  1. What are calendar dates?
  2. Written form of dates
  3. Metric notation of dates
  4. Explaining leap years (and the number of days in each month)
  5. Other number formats/notations for dates
  1. Writing calendar dates in metric notation
    Write the date in metric notation
    1. June 29th, 1910
    2. March 1st, 2004
    3. October 16th, 2012
  2. Writing metric notation dates in written (standard) form
    Write the metric notation date in written form, using words and numbers
    1. 1970 12 02
    2. 2119 09 15
    3. 2028 01 23
  3. Writing calendar dates in different number notations
    Write the calendar date shown in different notation formats:

    1. Calendar Dates

      1. Y \overline{Y} Y \overline{Y}   \; M \overline{M} M \overline{M}   \; D \overline{D} D \overline{D}
      2. D \overline{D} D \overline{D}   \; M \overline{M} M \overline{M}   \; Y \overline{Y} Y \overline{Y}
      3. M \overline{M} M \overline{M}   \; D \overline{D} D \overline{D}   \; Y \overline{Y} Y \overline{Y}

    2. Calendar Dates

      1. Y \overline{Y} Y \overline{Y}   \; M \overline{M} M \overline{M}   \; D \overline{D} D \overline{D}
      2. D \overline{D} D \overline{D}   \; M \overline{M} M \overline{M}   \; Y \overline{Y} Y \overline{Y}
      3. M \overline{M} M \overline{M}   \; D \overline{D} D \overline{D}   \; Y \overline{Y} Y \overline{Y}

    3. Calendar Dates

      1. Y \overline{Y} Y \overline{Y}   \; M \overline{M} M \overline{M}   \; D \overline{D} D \overline{D}
      2. D \overline{D} D \overline{D}   \; M \overline{M} M \overline{M}   \; Y \overline{Y} Y \overline{Y}
      3. M \overline{M} M \overline{M}   \; D \overline{D} D \overline{D}   \; Y \overline{Y} Y \overline{Y}
  4. Calendar Dates - Word Problem 1
    Writing dates can be confusing!
    Angie wrote her birth date on paper: 11 25 98
    1. Can these numbers represent more than one date?
      Write all possibilities for her birthday in written form.
    2. Angie's sister Mina was born 3 years, one month, and 5 days later.
      Write Mina's birthday in written form and in metric notation.
  5. Calendar Dates - Word Problem 2
    Writing dates can be confusing!
    Toby wrote his birth date on paper: 01 07 13
    1. Can these numbers represent more than one date?
      Write all possibilities for his birthday in written form.
    2. Toby wrote his birth date on paper: 01 07 13
      If Toby told you that he was born during the summer of 2013, what is his birthday in metric notation?