Orthogonal projections

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  1. Orthogonal Projections Overview:
  2. The Orthogonal Decomposition Theorem
    • Make yy as the sum of two vectors y^\hat{y} and zz
    • Orthogonal basis → y^=yv1v1v1v1++yvpvpvpvp\hat{y}= \frac{y \cdot v_1}{v_1 \cdot v_1}v_1 + \cdots + \frac{y \cdot v_p}{v_p \cdot v_p}v_p
    • Orthonormal basis → y^=(yv1)v1++(yvp)vp\hat{y}=(y\cdot v_1)v_1+\cdots +(y\cdots v_p)v_p
    z=yy^z=y - \hat{y}
  3. Property of Orthogonal Projections
    • projsy=y_s y=y
    • Only works if yy is in SS
  4. The Best Approximation Theorem
    • What is the point closest to yy in SS? y^\hat{y}!
    • Reason why: yy^\lVert y - \hat{y} \rVert < yu\lVert y-u \rVert
    • The Distance between the yy and y^\hat{y}
  1. The Orthogonal Decomposition Theorem
    Assume that {v1,v2,v3v_1,v_2,v_3 } is an orthogonal basis for Rn\Bbb{R}^n. Write yy as the sum of two vectors, one in Span{v1v_1}, and one in Span{v2,v3v_2,v_3}. You are given that:
    vector 1, 2, 3, 4
    1. Verify that {v1,v2v_1,v_2 } is an orthonormal set, and then find the orthogonal projection of yy onto Span{v1,v2v_1,v_2}.
      Verify these vectors are an orthonormal set
      1. Best Approximation
        Find the best approximation of yy by vectors of the form c1v1+c2v2c_1 v_1+c_2 v_2, where best approximation, vector y, and best approximation, vector v_1, best approximation, vector v_3.
        1. Finding the Closest Point and Distance
          Find the closest point to yy in the subspace SS spanned by v1v_1 and v2v_2.
          Find the closest point to y between vector 1 and vector 2
          1. Find the closest distance from yy to S=S=Span{v1,v2v_1,v_2 } if
            Find the closest distance from y to s