Comparing and ordering decimals and fractions
Topic Notes
In this lesson, we will learn:
- How to compare decimals with decimals as well as fractions with fractions
- How to compare decimals with fractions using a number line or by converting into the same format
- How to order 3 or more decimals and fractions
- When you compare two numbers, you always start with the biggest place value (most left) and then keep moving to the right (smaller place values) until you see a difference (the digits are different numbers).
- You compare numbers the same way for both whole numbers and decimals.
- For the numbers in each place value, 0 is the smallest and 9 is the biggest.
- Once you have found a difference for a place value, it does not matter what numbers are in the places further on the right (smaller places)
- The biggest place value (most left) that is different for the two numbers is what matters.
- Whenever you compare two numbers you need them to be in the same format; you will want to compare decimal vs. decimal (with same amount of place values) or fraction vs. fraction.
- To compare fractions with fractions
- Convert decimal numbers into fractions (have all fractions)
- Convert fractions into equivalent fractions with the same denominator
- Then, compare the numerators
- Ex. for vs. , you can either consider: vs. or vs.
- To compare decimals with decimals
- Convert fractions into decimals (have all decimal numbers)
- If youre having trouble comparing decimals of different lengths, make all the numbers have the same number of decimal places by add trailing zeroes (add zeroes to the right)
- Then, compare the decimals
- Seeing where common fractions and decimals are placed on a number line can help you to understand ordering decimals in fractions:
- First, we can divide a number line into halves:

- Then, we can split each half into halves, making them quarters:

- We can also split a number line into tenths (ten pieces):

- We can further split number lines into hundredths by splitting each tenth into ten more pieces:

- To order a list of decimals and/or fractions, you must first convert them into the same format so that you can compare them. Then, follow the instructions of ordering either from:
- Least to greatest (increasing; smallest to biggest) or
- Greatest to least (decreasing; biggest to smallest)
- Review these symbols for comparing and ordering numbers:
- < less than
- > greater than
- = equal to