Subtracting with regrouping (using base ten blocks)

Topic Notes

In this lesson, we will learn:

  • How to regroup base ten block models ("borrowing" or "exchanging")
  • How to subtract using base ten block models


  • Like addition, we will also need to regroup our base ten blocks for subtraction

  • When we don't have enough to subtract, we need to borrow from the next place value up to make more (splitting up the base ten block models)
    • Sometimes, this is called "exchanging"

    1 ten can be exchanged into 10 ones
    Subtracting with Regrouping (using base ten blocks)

    1 hundred can be exchanged into 10 tens
    Subtracting with Regrouping (using base ten blocks)

    1 thousand can be exchanged into 10 hundreds
    Subtracting with Regrouping (using base ten blocks)