Basics of symmetry

Topic Notes

In this lesson, we will learn:

  • How to identify symmetrical vs. asymmetrical shapes or pictures
  • How to check symmetry lines with the folding method or mirror test method


  • A "symmetrical" shape is made up of exact same parts facing each other
    • A line of symmetry divides a symmetrical shape into 2 congruent parts
    • If the shape is not symmetrical it is "asymmetrical"
Basics of Symmetry
  • Check if a shape has a line of symmetry by folding it in half to see if the parts match up
Basics of Symmetry
    • or using a mirror test: laying the picture/shape flat and putting a mirror on a possible symmetry line to see if the mirrored image matches with the original
Basics of Symmetry
  • Some shapes have more than one line of symmetry. Regular polygons have the same number of symmetry lines as number of sides

  • Ex. triangles = 3 sides = 3 symmetry lines Basics of Symmetry
    • some words (alphabet letters) and numbers also have symmetry:

Basics of Symmetry