Basics of coordinate plane

Topic Notes

In this lesson, we will learn:

  • How to use the coordinate plane system to draw and locate points in the format (xx, yy)
  • How to rotate, reflect, and translate shapes on the coordinate plane


  • The coordinate plane (also called coordinate system or the 2D cartesian plane/system) is a system where points on a grid are given locations called "coordinates"

  • Example: use a simple dot grid (or array) to understand how the coordinate plane works
Basics of Coordinate Plane

  • The unique and specific location of any point is given by two pieces of information
    • the column number (from left to right)
    • and the row number (from top to bottom)

  • The coordinate plane has two dimensions and points are given in the format point (x, y)
    • the location on the x-axis (from left to right, the column number)
    • and the location of the y-axis (from top to bottom, the row number)

Basics of Coordinate Plane

  • There are four types of transformations that can be done on the coordinate plane
    • Rotations: spinning shapes around a point
    • Reflections: creating a mirror image across a mirror line
    • Translations: sliding a shape (left \longleftrightarrow right) and/or (up \updownarrow down)
    • Resizing: stretching or shrinking a shape by a scale factor (i.e. doubling, halving)
Basics of Coordinate Plane