Calculating and Estimating Area and Perimeter

Topic Notes

In this lesson, we will learn:

  • How to count areas with squares and/or triangles (unit squares and half unit squares)
  • How to estimate areas of shapes on an area grid


  • Review: finding perimeter and area for rectangular figures
Calculating and Estimating Area and Perimeter

  • How do you find the area of shapes that are not made of squares?
    • If you cut a square diagonally, you will get a triangle (half a square is a triangle)
Calculating and Estimating Area and Perimeter
    • If you cut 2 squares diagonally (2 cm2), you will get half the area (1 cm2)
    • There are other variations of getting half of a square (1/2 cm2 or 0.5 cm2)
    • There will also be cases where you won't know the exact amount shaded in one square, but you can say whether it is more or less than half

Calculating and Estimating Area and Perimeter

  • To estimate areas of a shape on a grid, we can get close to the actual area by:
    • Counting all the whole unit squares (fully shaded in or covered by the shape)
    • Counting all the half unit squares (most commonly the diagonal triangle)
    • Rounding any squares shaded more than half up to \approx 1 cm2
    • Rounding any squares shaded less than half down to \approx 0 cm2
Calculating and Estimating Area and Perimeter