Points, lines, line segments, and rays

  1. Introduction to basic figures and points
  2. What are lines?
  3. What are line segments?
  4. What are rays?
  5. Review of points, lines, line segments and rays
  1. Identifying lines, line segments, and rays
    Name the figure that is made by points AA and BB as either: a line, a line segment, or a ray.
    1. Points, Lines, Line Segments and Ra
    2. Points, Lines, Line Segments and Ra
    3. Points, Lines, Line Segments and Ra
    4. Points, Lines, Line Segments and Ra
    5. Points, Lines, Line Segments and Ra
  2. Proper notation for lines, line segments and rays
    Use proper notation (with letters and symbols) to name the figure
    1. Points, Lines, Line Segments and Ra
    2. Points, Lines, Line Segments and Ra
    3. Points, Lines, Line Segments and Ra
  3. Drawing lines, line segments and rays
    Draw the figure:
    1. ray MN\overrightarrow{MN}
    2. line segment QR\overline{QR}
    3. line GH \overleftrightarrow{GH}
  4. Combinations of lines, line segments and rays
    Name all the lines, line segments, and/or rays in the picture. Use proper notation.
    1. Points, Lines, Line Segments and Ra
    2. Points, Lines, Line Segments and Ra
    3. Points, Lines, Line Segments and Ra
  5. Intersecting lines, line segments and rays
    Connect the dots to draw the figures as indicated. Will the figure intersect? Yes or No.
    1. XW\overrightarrow{XW} and YZ\overleftrightarrow{YZ}

      Points, Lines, Line Segments and Ra
    2. AB\overline{AB} and DC\overrightarrow{DC}

      Points, Lines, Line Segments and Ra
    3. NO\overline{NO} and PQ\overrightarrow{PQ}

      Points, Lines, Line Segments and Ra
    4. RS\overline{RS} and TU\overleftrightarrow{TU}

      Points, Lines, Line Segments and Ra