How to tell time

Topic Notes

In this lesson, we will learn:

  • A review on saying times of the exact hours (oclock) and parts of the days (in the morning, afternoon, evening or at night)
  • How to say the time by: naming the number of hours and minutes (reading left to right), naming the minutes after the hour, or naming the minutes until the next hour
  • The special ways of saying half and quarter hours: quarter past, quarter to, and half past


  • There are many ways to say the time.
  • The simplest way to tell time is when the clock is on an exact hour (i.e. 12:00, 3:00; minute hand is on 12) you can simply call it as the number oclock (ex. 12 oclock, three oclock)
    • We can also say AM and PM as the part of the day instead:
      • in the morning for 6AM to 11:59AM
      • noon for 12:00PM
      • in the afternoon for 12:01PM to 5:00PM
      • in the evening for 5:01PM to 8:00PM
      • at night for 8:01PM to 5:59AM
      • midnight for 12:00AM

  • Saying the hour is easythe focus on the minutes. Three ways to tell time are by writing:
  • \qquad \qquad 1. # hours # minutes
    \qquad \qquad 2. # minutes after/past the hour
    \qquad \qquad 3. # minutes until/to the next hour
    • Ex. 1:35 can be said as (1) one thirty-five, (2) thirty-five minutes after one, or (3) twenty-five minutes to two

  • There are special ways to say half or quarter hours
    • When the minutes are :15 we say quarter after the hour
    • When the minutes are :30 we say half past the hour
    • When the minutes are :45 we say quarter to the next hour
    • Ex. (9:15 is quarter past nine), (6:30 is half past 6), (7:45 is quarter to eight)

  • Although there are many ways to tell the time, there is usually one way that is said more commonly than the rest.
    • The most common way to tell times is summarized in the figure below for the positions of the minute hand on the clock.
    • If the minutes are :01 \, \, :30 its common to say the minutes after the hour
    • If the minutes are :31 \, \, :59 its common to say the minutes to the next hour
Time: How to Read Time