What are decimals?
- What are decimals and how do you read decimals on a number line?
- What are decimal place values?
- How do we write decimals in standard, expanded, and written forms?
- How can we use base ten (block) models to represent decimals?
- Reading decimals on number lines
What are the decimal numbers given by each point shown on the number lines below in: - Naming decimal place values
Name the place value that is underlined in the numbers below:- 1.83
- 7.88
- 9.801
- 0.845
- 83.271
- Decimal place value word problem
Take a look at the two times the number "5" appears in this number: 5,124,368.057- Name the two place values that the two 5s sit inside?
- Compare these two place values; how many times do you have to multiply/divide by 10 to get to the other place value? How many times will you have to group ten into a bigger place value (or the other way, split into ten parts for a smaller place value) to get to the other place value?
- Converting decimals between standard, expanded, and written forms
- Base ten (block) models for hundredths
Using base ten models where one whole is represented by a big square (made of 10 tiny squares), answer the following: - Base ten (block) models for thousandths
Using base ten models where one whole is represented by a cube (made of 1000 tiny squares), answer the following: