Introduction to volume of rectangular prisms

Topic Notes

In this lesson, we will learn:

  • The relationship between 3-dimensional shapes, cubic measure, and the 3D geometric property of volume
  • How to use the formula for volume of rectangular prisms: V=l×w×h V = l \times w \times h


  • Volume is the 3-dimensional (3D) property of a geometric shape
    • Volume represents the amount of space occupied by a 3D shape
    • Volume is created by the combination of three dimensions (three different planes/directions of measurement)
    • Cubic measure (cubic units) is used to measure volumes of 3D shapes
      • Some examples of cubic units are: m3, cm3, mm3; ft3, in3, yd3

2D Shapes: Area and Perimeter of Rectangles

  • For the geometric properties of shapes:

2D Shapes: Area and Perimeter of Rectangles

    • A 2D shape has the 2D property of area and the 1D property of perimeter
    • A 3D shape has the 3D property of volume and the 2D property of surface area
  • The volume (VV) for a rectangular prism combines the three dimensions of: length (ll), width (ww), and height (hh) and can be found using the formula:
    • V=l×w×hV = l \times w \times h
2D Shapes: Area and Perimeter of Rectangles