Master Pre-Algebra with Clear, Step-by-Step Video Lessons

Turn struggling into success with video lessons that make Pre-Algebra click. 95% of students boost their grades within a month. Join them and start excelling today.

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📈 92% problem-solving success rate after watching video solutions
🏆 89% quiz success rate with guided practice
📊 12% average grade improvement within 30 days
🧠 95% of students report better understanding of Pre-Algebra concepts
⏱️ 47-second average access time to find help for any topic
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Learn from step-by-step video solutions for any problem. 92% of students solve similar problems after watching our explanations.

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Pre-Algebra Topics


Understand integer multiplication


Multiplying integers


Dividing integers

Factors and multiples

Converting repeating decimals to fractions

Ratios, rates, and proportions






Measuring Systems
Exponents and Scientific Notation
Pythagorean Theorem
Surface Area of 3-Dimensional Shapes
Volume of 3-Dimensional Shapes
Symmetry and Tessellations
Representing Data
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What is Pre-Algebra?

Pre-algebra is the course of study that introduces you to the following number types:

  • Integers
  • Decimals
  • Negative Numbers
  • Fractions

It also explores the basics of equations, simple roots and powers, variable manipulation and more.

If you're looking for revision aides and exam prep resources, or just need help with something specific, our easy to understand Pre-algebra lessons are here for you! Designed to ensure that all leaners can take something away from each session, our content is adaptable to your learning style and skill level. Regardless of whether you're new to the subject matter or familiar with elements of algebra, you'll find something of value in all our revision materials.

Our aim is to deliver you the best in pre-algebra help, providing you with access to helpful online videos, mock exam materials, and valuable research tools. In short, we want to make StudyPug your all-in-one pre-algebra tutor.

What Grade Is Pre-Algebra Taught?

Pre-algebra tends to be taught to students in grade 7 or 8. As mentioned above, the course is often used as an introduction to Algebra 1 or Basic Algebra, covering topics that will be built upon in grades 9, 10 and 11.

If you are in 7th or 8th grade and are currently studying pre-algebra, consider using StudyPug as a companion to your studies. Developing a strong foundation of the basics now will greatly benefit you down the line when it comes time to study more advanced forms of algebra.

What Is in Pre-Algebra?

Within Pre-algebra, there are many topics of study. Below, we have listed just a few topics that you can expect to cover in class and in your exams:

  • Pythagorean Theorem
  • Square Roots
  • Surface Area and Volume of 3D Shapes
  • Linear Equations and Mathematical Reasoning
  • Probability
  • Symmetry and Tessellation
  • Representing Data

We offer content for all areas of pre-algebra (not just the ones listed here) and we provide free lessons for non-subscribers covering a variety of pre-algebra content. We greatly encourage you to explore these free lessons to get a better sense of how StudyPug can work for you. For more information, please visit

For those who do subscribe, we offer an unprecedented level of helpful videos and resources. Our content explores every aspect of pre-algebra and is constantly updated to ensure that it is relevant to your studies.

On our pre-algebra page, we break the content down into bite sized chunks to make each element easier to understand. Our pre-algebra videos, will cover all the same content that your teachers explore and will also venture into areas not covered in the classroom, making them a valuable assist for successfully completing your pre-algebra homework and impressing your teachers.

If you're a parent looking to provide your child with additional support, we have a wealth of content that can help them tackle math in school (6th and above). We also have handy tips for helping you to prepare your middle schooler for college.

Is Pre-Algebra Hard?

Algebra can seem intimidating at first, which is why it's necessary to develop a firm understand of the basics. To help you learn pre-algebra, StudyPug has built an extensive pre-algebra tutorial library that covers practically every question you would expect to have.

At StudyPug, we understand that every learner has their own unique way of learning and to that end, we opted to build our content with a "pre-algebra for dummies" approach that starts from the ground up, assumes no prior knowledge, and covers every aspect of pre-algebra. Each section of our content has also been designed to flow naturally from one to the next so that you can build off what you've just learned, introducing more complex elements as you go.

Subscribers to our pre-algebra content, will have access to every lesson on our website, so If you're looking for a specific element of pre-algebra, we've got you covered. Our service is also a fraction of the cost of what it would cost to hire a one-on-one math tutor, adding value for money to our fantastic study platform.

Furthermore, you have the ability to access the specific content that you need, there's no need to cover topics you already know! You can customize your sessions with the content that you feel you need to study most.

Now we're well aware that school can be a drag sometimes, you can't always be expected to be in the mood to learn when it's time for your pre-algebra math class. That's why we've made our video tutorials available to you around the clock. When you're focused and ready to learn, StudyPug is there for you.

With 1000s of lessons to observe, pre-algebra practice exams to try, and access to 24/7 help and guidance, StudyPug will make understanding pre-algebra a breeze!

What Comes After Pre-Algebra?

Upon successfully completing a course in pre-algebra, most students go on to study Basic algebra or Algebra 1. The content covered throughout pre-algebra serves as a stepping stone towards understanding algebra as a whole and will help you to develop your critical thinking and problem solving abilities outside of the classroom too.

For students looking to attend college upon graduating from high school, you'll find that math is a prerequisite for most colleges and this will include an understanding of basic math and the core concepts of algebra.

Take advantage of the resources at your disposal and make the most out of the time that you have. Setting aside an hour or two each evening to watch our video tutorials will make the world of difference when it comes time to take your exams. You;ll be better prepared for your classes, your tests, and your college applications.

How to Pass Pre-Algebra?

The key to passing Pre-algebra is in preparation and revision. You should make the most of our study tools and address any areas of weakness you think you may have. A good way to highlight these areas of improvement is to look at your past exams and circle the questions you've struggled with.

Using that information alongside our vast collection of resources, you can broaden and strengthen your core understanding of pre-algebra.

Our team of experts have worked to ensure that the content we provide matches the topics found in modern per-algebra textbooks. For example, you'll find that our website covers all the content found in the following textbooks:

We've noticed that the language within these textbooks can sometimes be hard to digest and understand. That's why our team of mathematic tutors have broken down the key talking points of these textbooks and have expertly delivered them in an easy to understand video format that you can pause, fast-forward, and rewind.

By offering you an unprecedented level of video content to review, we're able to provide you with relevant study content that can support your current studies and prepare you for upcoming exams. Sign up and get started today!



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