Common fractions and decimals

  1. How are decimals related to fractions?
  2. How to convert decimal tenths into decimal fractions (110\large \frac{1}{10})
  3. How to convert decimal hundredths into decimal fractions (1100\large \frac{1}{100})
  4. How to convert between decimals and common fraction halves (12\large \frac{1}{2})
  5. How to convert between decimals and common fraction quarters (14\large \frac{1}{4})
  1. Writing common fractions as decimals
    Write the following fractions as decimals
    1. Unit fractions:
    2. Decimal fractions:
    3. Common fractions related to 12\large \frac{1}{2} or 14\large \frac{1}{4} :
  2. Fraction and figure equivalents for decimals
    Complete the table for the equivalent decimal, fraction, and shaded in figure:
    1. Common fractions and decimals
    2. Common fractions and decimals
    3. Common fractions and decimals
    4. Common fractions and decimals
  3. Fraction and figure equivalents for decimals
    Complete the table for the equivalent decimal, fraction, and shaded in figure:
    1. 0.28 = 100\large \frac{}{100} = 20100\large \frac{20}{100} + 100\large \frac{}{100} = 10\large \frac{}{10} + 100\large \frac{}{100}
    2. 0.51 = 100\large \frac{}{100} = 50100\large \frac{50}{100} + 100\large \frac{}{100} = 10\large \frac{}{10} + 100\large \frac{}{100}
    3. 0.73 = ??\large \frac{?}{?} = 100\large \frac{}{100} + 100\large \frac{}{100} = 10\large \frac{}{10} + 100\large \frac{}{100}
    4. 0.49 = ??\large \frac{?}{?} = ??\large \frac{?}{?} + ??\large \frac{?}{?} = ??\large \frac{?}{?} + ??\large \frac{?}{?}
  4. Common fractions and decimal number lines
    Using common fractions and decimals:

    A:25100  \large \frac{25}{100} \qquad \; B:710  \large \frac{7}{10} \qquad \; C:90100  \large \frac{90}{100} \qquad \; D:510  \large \frac{5}{10} \qquad \; A:75100\large \frac{75}{100} \qquad
    1. Draw each fraction as a point on the number line. Label each point with its corresponding letter

      Common fractions and decimals
    2. Which fractions can be rewritten in lowest forms as common fraction halves and quarters?