Better 6th Grade Math Grades

Video lessons that improve understanding and boost grades

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6th Grade Math Topics

Understanding Numbers

Place values


Rounding numbers

Number Theory

Divisibility rules


Determining common multiples

Adding and Subtracting Integers
Multiplying and Dividing Integers
Introduction to Ratios, Rates and Percentages







Representing percents


Applications of percents

Operations with Decimals
Measuring Systems
Coordinates, Quadrants and Transformations
Introduction to Variables and Expressions
Surface Area and Volume of 3D Shapes

Median and mode




Range and outliners


Application of averages

Introduction to Probability
Kindergarten textbook
1st Grade Math textbook
2nd Grade Math textbook
3rd Grade Math textbook
4th Grade Math textbook
5th Grade Math textbook
6th Grade Math textbook
7th Grade Math textbook
Pre-Algebra textbook
Basic Algebra textbook
8th Grade Math textbook
Algebra 1 textbook
Algebra 2 textbook
Geometry textbook
Trigonometry textbook
Precalculus textbook
Statistics textbook
Physics textbook
Chemistry textbook
Microeconomics textbook
Differential Calculus textbook
AP Statistics textbook
AP Calculus AB textbook
AP Calculus BC textbook
AP Chemistry textbook
IB Chemistry textbook
Intermediate Algebra textbook
College Algebra textbook
Calculus 1 textbook
Calculus 2 textbook
Calculus 3 textbook
Multivariable Calculus textbook
Business Calculus textbook
College Statistics textbook
Differential Equations textbook
Linear Algebra textbook

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What Do You Learn in 6th Grade Math?

In sixth grade math, you'll explore the areas of math relating to unit rates, decimals, ratios, factors, percents, fractions and more. You'll also develop your ability to solve algebraic problems and learn how to use PEMDAS to help you.

It's in grade 6 that you'll start to investigate the following areas of geometry, topics like surface area and the volume of 3D shapes, tessellation, and measuring systems. You'll also explore the fundamental principles of algebra and trigonometry, which when combined will provide you with the knowledge needed to pursue courses in basic algebra, trigonometry, and eventually pre-calculus.

It's a program of study that is designed to build upon what you have learnt in math 5 and will prepare you for the more advanced stages of math in grades 7 - 12. For each lesson you attend in 6th grade math, StudyPug will be there. We're a fantastic companion for help with revision and homework assignments. We're available 24/7 and offer high quality video tutorials that break down the content you've covered in class in a way that's easier to understand. Additionally, each video we offer, delivers step-by-step examples that can make things even clearer. They can also be paused, rewound, and fast-forwarded, ensuring that you never get left behind and can learn at your own pace.

As a subscriber to our service, you'll have access to 1000s of online videos that cover all topics you'd expect to find in math 6 and beyond, making StudyPug an online math tutor for a lifetime.

How to Get Good Marks in 6th Grade Math Exams

In order to get good grades within your math exam, you will need to be able to effectively demonstrate that you have the ability to make sense of a variety of math problems and can find an effective way to solve them. The examiners will need to see that you have the ability to write, interpret, and use expressions and equations, and can use these mathematical tools appropriately to arrive at the correct conclusions.

In essence, they want to see how your brain works. It's not enough to simply answer the question through memorization. Show your working out and how you arrived at the answers to stand a better chance of receiving top marks.

If you would like additional 6th grade math homework help outside of the classroom and want to improve your chances of higher marks in your upcoming math exams, you should be revising and doing so regularly. It cannot be stressed enough that the best way to learn math is through repetition. The more you practice solving math problems, the more likely you are to retain that information.

You should review what you've been taught in the classroom and use that to build effective study sessions that address your weaker areas. If you're not sure where your strengths and weakness lie, use our easy practice materials to help you spot topics and questions that you may have difficulty with.Reviewing your class notes each night will go a long way in helping you improve your understanding of math.

We understand that doing this and getting yourself into a good study habit is easier said than done, which is why we offer our content in short and informative video lessons that can be watched at home or on the go. Our content works with your schedule so whenever you have a spare hour or two, StudyPug is available to help you review any and all topics within the 6th grade math syllabus.

Furthermore, we'd greatly encourage you to use our platform to help you sit practice papers and mock exams. Doing so will help to build your confidence ahead of your actual tests and will further assist you in narrowing down your strengths and weaknesses. When sitting mock exams, you should work within the time constraints of each paper and have someone else mark your tests for you. Reviewing your performance and seeing improvements, will show you that revision actually works and will encourage you to stick with it!

Put simply, a well planned revision strategy that addresses your weaknesses and a handy revision aide like StudyPug can greatly improve your chances of getting better marks in your exams.

Outside of exam prep, we can also help you perform better in class. If there's something in your lesson that you couldn't make sense of, jump online and browse our content. We'll have video tutorials on the subject that can help clear up any confusion you have. Our 6th grade math videos manage to deliver the same content you'd expect to find in modern textbooks and will address questions most likely to appear on your 6th grade math tests.

Think of StudyPug as your very own online math 6 tutor, available whenever you need us, and at the fraction of the cost of a personal tutor.

Is 6th Grade Math Hard?

If you're concerned about studying 6th grade math, you're not alone. There are thousands of students just like you who want help understanding the more complex terminologies and subject matters that will be introduced throughout the school year. Though it does seem like a daunting challenge, the subjects within 6th grade math, aren't too hard to get your head around once you have a firm understanding of the basics. Remember, you're not expected to know everything on your first day. Learning math takes time and a good foundation of math knowledge will greatly improve your chances of getting into college/university and finding a job later in life.

If you want help understanding 6th grade math or would like additional 6th grade math tutoring ahead of your upcoming quizzes and exams, our online content will walk you through even the toughest of 6th grade math problems. We currently offer step-by-step lessons within the following popular topics:

  • Understanding Numbers and Number Theory
  • Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and Dividing Integers
  • Ratios, Rates and Percentages
  • Tessellation
  • And much more!

The content we deliver across each topic of 6th grade math has been designed by experienced teachers who have a deep understanding of the subject matter. We have also worked to ensure that each lesson mirrors what you're being taught in school so that they address the concerns and content that matters most to you.

At StudyPug, we understand and appreciate that every learner learns differently. To that end, we have decided to take a "6th grade math for dummies" approach that starts with the basics, assumes no prior knowledge, and covers all areas of 6 grade math. Each area of our content has been designed to seamlessly flow from one topic to the next, allowing you to build off what you've just learned, introducing more complex elements when you're ready.

As a subscriber to our online tutorial service, you'll have direct access to all of our videos across every grade available, allowing you to use our services for many years to come. With 1000s of lessons and 24/7 help, we're you're one stop shop for all your math needs.

If you'd like to try our services before you buy, browse our collection of free 6th grade math lessons that cover a variety of topics. Try them today and read our customer reviews to see how we're helping students just like you improve their performance in 6th grade math.



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