Finding limits from graphs

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Now Playing:Finding limits from graphs – Example 1a
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  1. For the function f whose graph is shown, state the following:
    Finding limits from graphs
    1. limx5f(x)\lim_{x \to -5^-} f(x)
      limx5+f(x)\lim_{x \to -5^+} f(x)
      limx5f(x)\lim_{x \to -5} f(x)

    2. limx2f(x)\lim_{x \to -2^-} f(x)
      limx2+f(x)\lim_{x \to -2^+} f(x)
      limx2f(x)\lim_{x \to -2} f(x)

    3. limx1f(x)\lim_{x \to 1^-} f(x)
      limx1+f(x)\lim_{x \to 1^+} f(x)
      limx1f(x)\lim_{x \to 1} f(x)

    4. limx4f(x)\lim_{x \to 4^-} f(x)
      limx4+f(x)\lim_{x \to 4^+} f(x)
      limx4f(x)\lim_{x \to 4} f(x)

    5. limx5f(x)\lim_{x \to 5^-} f(x)
      limx5+f(x)\lim_{x \to 5^+} f(x)
      limx5f(x)\lim_{x \to 5} f(x)

Finding Limits From Graphs 1a
Finding limits from graphs
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Limit is an important instrument that helps us understand ideas in the realm of Calculus. In this section, we will learn how to find the limit of a function graphically using one-sided limits and two-sided limits.
left-hand limit: limxaf(x)=L\lim_{x \to a^-} f(x) = L
We say "the limit of f(x), as x approaches a from the negative direction, equals L".
It means that the value of f(x) becomes closer and closer to L as x approaches a from the left, but x is not equal to a.

right-hand limit: limxa+f(x)=L\lim_{x \to a^+} f(x) = L
We say "the limit of f(x), as x approaches a from the positive direction, equals L".
It means that the value of f(x) becomes closer and closer to L as x approaches a from the right, but x is not equal to a.

limxaf(x)=L\lim_{x \to a} f(x) = L if and only if limxa+f(x)=L\lim_{x \to a^+} f(x) = L and limxaf(x)=L\lim_{x \to a^-} f(x) = L