Unemployment Definitions
Unemployment: occurs when a person who is actively looking for employment is unable to find work.
Note: Unemployment is usually used to measure the health of the economy.
There are two reasons why unemployment is a problem
- Lost incomes and production: Losing a job means losing income as well as losing production. When there is lost production, there is a decrease in consumption and investments in capital. Overall, this leads to a lower standard of living in both the present and future.
- Lost human capital: When a person’s unemployment is lengthened, it permanently damages a person’s future job.
Example: A doctor becomes unemployed and becomes a waiter. After 10 years, he realizes he won’t be able to find a job as a doctor because he cannot compete with new doctor graduates.
Population & Labor Force
Working-Age Population: the total number of people aged 16 years and over who are not in prison, hospital or some other form of institutional care.
Labor Force: The sum of the employed and unemployed.
Note: If you are neither employed or unemployed, then you are not in the labor force.
To be unemployed, you must fulfill one of the following categories:
- Has no work, but has made efforts to find a job in the last four weeks
- Waiting to be called back from a job from which he/she was previously laid off.
- Starting a job within 30 days
Labor Market Indicators
There are three labor market indicators
- The Unemployment Rate: the extent in which people who want jobs but cannot find one. To calculate this, we use the following formula
Unemployment Rate = - Employment-to-Population Ratio:is the percentage of people of working age who has jobs. To calculate this, we use the following formula
Employment to Population Ratio = - Labor Force Participation Rate:he percentage of the working-age population who are members of the labor force. To calculate this, we use the following formula
Labor Force Participation Rate =