Newton's Third Law: Equal and Opposite Forces Explained
Dive into Newton's Third Law of Motion. Understand action-reaction pairs, explore real-world applications, and enhance your physics knowledge. Perfect for students seeking clarity on this fundamental principle.

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  1. Introduction to Newton's third law
  2. Introduction to Newton's third law
    What is Newton's third law?
  3. Introduction to Newton's third law
    Identifying forces in action-reaction force pair
  1. Understanding Newton's third law and free body diagrams

    A rock sits on a table. Draw complete free body diagrams for the rock and the table and highlight the action-reaction pair that includes the rock pushing down on the table.

    Newton's first law of motion
    In this lesson, we will learn:
    • Newton's third law of motion
    • Explaining physical phenomena using Newton's third law
    • Calculations with Newton's second and third laws


    • Newton's third law: when one object exerts a force on a second object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite force on the first.
      • Also stated: "for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."
    • Each force in action-reaction force pair is located on a different object in the pair. Each force in action-reaction force pair also has the same "type."
      • Example: if a wooden block slides across a floor, the floor exerts a force of friction on the block and the block exerts a force of friction that is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction on the floor. The forces in this pair are on different objects (one acts on the block, and the other acts on the floor), and both are the same type of force (friction).
    Newton's Third Law

    For object A exerting a force on object B:

    FAonB=FBonA\vec{F}_{A on B} = - \vec{F}_{B on A}

    FAonB:\vec{F}_{A on B}: force A is exerting on B, in newtons (N)

    FBonA:\vec{F}_{B on A}: force B is exerting on A, in newtons (N)


    Introduction to Newton's Third Law of Motion

    Welcome to our exploration of Newton's third law of motion, a fundamental principle in physics that governs the way objects interact. This law, often called the action-reaction law, states that for every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction. As your friendly math tutor, I'm excited to guide you through this concept! The introduction video we're about to watch is a fantastic resource that brings this law to life. It will help you visualize how forces always come in pairs, acting on different objects. Understanding Newton's third law is crucial for grasping many everyday phenomena, from rocket propulsion to simple acts like walking. As we delve deeper, you'll see how this principle applies to countless situations in the world around us. So, let's dive in and unravel the mysteries of action and reaction together!

    1. What is Newton's Third Law of Motion?

      Newton's Third Law of Motion states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This means that when one object exerts a force on another object, the second object simultaneously exerts an equal force in the opposite direction on the first object.

    2. Can you give an example of Newton's Third Law in everyday life?

      A common example is walking. When you walk, you push backward on the ground with your feet (action), and the ground pushes forward on you with an equal force (reaction), propelling you forward. Another example is rowing a boat: as you push the water backward with the oar, the water pushes the boat forward.

    3. How does Newton's Third Law apply to rocket propulsion?

      Rocket propulsion is a perfect illustration of Newton's Third Law. As the rocket expels gases downward at high speed (action), the gases exert an equal force upward on the rocket (reaction). This upward force is what propels the rocket into space, demonstrating how the law works even in the absence of air or ground to push against.

    4. Does Newton's Third Law mean that forces always cancel out?

      No, Newton's Third Law doesn't mean forces always cancel out. The equal and opposite forces act on different objects. For example, when you push a box, your force on the box and the box's force on you are equal and opposite, but they act on different objects (you and the box). The box may still move if your applied force overcomes friction.

    5. How is Newton's Third Law important in engineering and design?

      Newton's Third Law is crucial in engineering and design across various fields. In automotive engineering, it's used in designing suspension systems. In aerospace, it's fundamental for aircraft lift and stability. In robotics, it's essential for balance and movement. The law is also applied in designing safety equipment like helmets and airbags, where force distribution is key to reducing impact and potential injuries.


    Understanding Newton's third law of motion requires a solid foundation in certain key concepts. Two crucial prerequisite topics are particularly important: operations on vectors in magnitude and direction form and Newton's first law of motion. These topics provide the necessary background to fully grasp the principles of Newton's third law and its applications in physics.

    Let's start with the importance of understanding operations on vectors in magnitude and direction form. This concept is fundamental when dealing with forces, which are at the heart of Newton's third law. Forces are vector quantities, meaning they have both magnitude and direction. When studying Newton's third law, we often need to analyze multiple forces acting on objects. The ability to perform vector operations is crucial for accurately determining the magnitude and direction of forces involved in action-reaction pairs.

    For instance, when two objects interact, the forces they exert on each other are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction. To fully understand this principle, students must be comfortable with vector addition, subtraction, and scalar multiplication. These operations allow for the precise calculation and representation of forces in various scenarios, from simple object collisions to complex systems involving multiple interacting bodies.

    Equally important is a solid grasp of Newton's first law of motion. This law, also known as the law of inertia, sets the stage for understanding the broader context of Newton's laws of motion. It states that an object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force. This concept is crucial for comprehending the nature of forces and their effects on objects, which directly relates to the principles outlined in Newton's third law.

    The first law provides the foundation for understanding how forces can change an object's state of motion. When studying the third law, which deals with the interaction between two objects, it's essential to recognize how these interactions can alter the motion of both objects involved. The concept of inertia, central to the first law, helps explain why objects resist changes in their motion and how the equal and opposite forces described in the third law come into play.

    By mastering these prerequisite topics, students can more easily grasp the intricacies of Newton's third law of motion. The ability to work with vectors allows for a more quantitative understanding of forces, while familiarity with the first law provides the necessary context for analyzing force interactions. Together, these concepts create a robust framework for exploring the action-reaction principle that is central to Newton's third law.

    In conclusion, a thorough understanding of vector operations and Newton's first law is invaluable when studying Newton's third law of motion. These prerequisites not only facilitate a deeper comprehension of the law itself but also enable students to apply this knowledge to real-world scenarios and more advanced physics concepts. By building this strong foundation, students can confidently tackle the complexities of Newton's third law and its wide-ranging applications in physics and engineering.