Understanding Molecular Conformation: The 3D World of Molecules
Dive into the fascinating world of molecular conformation. Discover how the 3D arrangement of atoms influences chemical properties and reactivity. Perfect for chemistry students and curious minds alike.

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  1. Introduction to conformation.
  2. Introduction to conformation.
    What is the difference between configuration and conformation in chemistry?
  3. Introduction to conformation.
    Bond rotation.
Introduction to organic chemistry

In this lesson, we will learn:

  • To understand the difference between molecular configuration and conformation.
  • To recall and draw different molecular conformations using a Newman projection.
  • To correctly draw six-membered cyclic rings showing conformation.


  • We've now been introduced to stereochemistry – the different possible 3d arrangements of a molecule, and (later) how they can affect chemical properties. The different types of isomerism we have seen are, so far, all about different configurations of a molecule.
  • Now it is time to briefly look at the conformation of a molecule. Using a stick figure analogy, the difference between configuration and conformation is shown below:
    • A different configuration, has a different arrangement/connectivity, so in a molecule, bonds must break to change configuration.
    • To change conformation, a molecule simply has to rotate around one or any number of its bonds. Bonds do not have to break to change conformation.
  • The rotation of a single bond – or any chemical bond! – is a chemical process and like all chemical processes, bond rotation initially costs energy, so how often a bond rotates is related to the stability of the bond; the more stable, the less rotations per unit time, until the energy barrier is so large that rotations effectively do not happen (like in double bonds).
    In ethane, C2H6, the C-C single bond rotates very easily - let's look at two opposite conformations of ethane:
  • There are two ways of drawing a molecule to show conformations:
    • The side view, which you already use. When drawing a molecule in the plane of the paper, we use wedges and dashed lines to show the 3d shape.
    • A Newman projection, which is viewing the molecule straight along a particular bond. In ethane here we are looking down the C-C bond. Here, using this is easier to see the difference between the two conformations. To draw a Newman projection, use the following guidelines:
      • For the closer of the two carbons in the bond you're looking down, draw it like you would for skeletal formula. It should look like a trigonal planar center: see 'C atom in front', in the image above.
      • For the further away of the two carbons, draw a large circle and the three attachments starting at the edge of the circle, see 'C atom at the back' in the image above.
  • Ethane has two opposite conformations:
    • Eclipsed: Where the three hydrogen atoms attached to each carbon atom are in line – in the same positions - relative to each other. Think eclipsed like a solar eclipse. We only draw eclipsed with the attachments slightly off of each other to show what is there: in the real molecule they are in line.
    • Staggered: Where the three hydrogens attached to one carbon atom are rotated 1/6th or around 60° of the way around, compared to the hydrogens on the other carbon. Think staggered as the 6 hydrogens across both carbon atoms are equally staggered, full circle.
    Ethane is the simplest molecule with a C-C bond; with the six other atoms all hydrogen, there are three identical eclipsed conformations and three identical staggered conformations. In larger molecules, the attached groups are not all hydrogen so specific 'types' of staggered and eclipsed conformations exist. We'll see these later.
    The staggered conformation of ethane is more stable than the eclipsed conformation, mostly due to repulsion between the electrons in the C-H bonds. These bonds are aligned when eclipsed, so maximum repulsion occurs, and are misaligned in the staggered conformation, so the minimum possible repulsion occurs.
    In terms of potential energy then:
    • The staggered conformations are troughs or minimum points (minima).
    • The eclipsed conformations are peaks or 'minima' (maximum points).
    • Only potential energy minima are considered true conformers because the maxima are unstable (like a transition state in a chemical reaction), and will rapidly return into a stable conformation with a potential energy minima.
    This leaves us with three identical – or one unique – staggered conformation of ethane as a conformational isomer, or conformer.
  • Conformation becomes more complicated in longer molecules such as butane. Compared to ethane, butane has two extra methyl groups around the 'central' C-C bond and these are much larger than a single hydrogen atom. See the diagram below - every panel is a different conformation made by rotating the central C-C bond by 60°:

    You should be able to see a few things:
    • There are two different staggered conformations (which are stable conformers):
      • Gauche (AKA synclinal), where the methyl groups are 'staggered near each other' and the dihedral angles are 60° and 300°. The dihedral angle is the angle between the groups, measured around the C-C bond from the view of the Newman projection. These two conformations (2 and 6) are mirror images of equal stability.
      • Anti-periplanar, where the methyl groups are staggered opposite each other. Periplanar means in the plane, while anti refers to them pointing in opposite directions. The dihedral angle is 180°.
    • There are two different eclipsed conformations which are unstable conformations:
      • Anticlinal, where the two methyl groups are 'eclipsed away from each other' and the dihedral angle is 120° or 240°. These two conformations (3 and 5) are mirror images of each other and are equally stable. Here, anti- is used to show that they are pointing in opposite directions.
      • Syn-periplanar, where the two methyl groups are eclipsing each other. The dihedral angle is 0°. Here, syn- means pointing together or in the same direction.
      Gauche, anticlinal and periplanar are commonly used terms when using Newman projections to deal with the relative positions of groups to each other.
  • It is important you know how conformation applies to cyclic rings. Cyclic rings are very common in organic chemistry and so far, our skeletal formula is misleading because it makes it look like they are flat.
    Cyclic rings are not flat!
    Enthalpy data backs this claim up; aside from cyclopropane where it is impossible not to be planar, cyclic rings will twist out of plane to minimize repulsion between eclipsed C-H bonds - this is what we saw in ethane above! This creates 'ring strain' in many cyclic rings, but not in cyclohexane.
    • Cyclohexane is the most stable of the small to medium-sized rings; there is almost no ring strain in this structure. This is why 6 membered rings are probably the most common cyclic rings in organic chemistry.
    • It has two well-known conformations – the boat conformation and the chair conformation. Of these, only the chair conformation is a true conformer though – we can use a Newman projection to see why:

      The Newman projection of both conformations shows:
      • The boat conformation has 4 pairs of eclipsed C-H bonds on adjacent carbons, and one 'eclipsing' pair from the two 'ends' of the boat both pointing up.
      • The chair conformation has no eclipsing C-H bonds at all, so no repulsion of this sort occurs.
      • This explains why the chair conformation is a stable conformer, and the boat conformation is just an unstable conformation. Cyclohexane also has a stable 'twist boat' conformer as well, but this is less stable than the chair conformer which cyclohexane is usually in.
    This conformation creates two 'types' of protons: axial and equatorial. Each carbon in the ring has one of each but they alternate in positions (because they are all tetrahedral and the bonds don't eclipse!)

Introduction to Molecular Conformation

Welcome to our exploration of molecular conformation, a fascinating aspect of stereochemistry that plays a crucial role in understanding the structure and behavior of molecules. As we begin this journey, our introduction video sets the stage, providing a visual foundation for the concepts we'll discuss. Molecular conformation refers to the three-dimensional arrangement of atoms within a molecule, which can significantly impact its properties and reactivity. This field is essential for various scientific disciplines, including organic chemistry, biochemistry, and drug design. By studying molecular conformation, we gain insights into how molecules interact with their environment and with each other. Throughout this course, we'll delve into different conformations, energy states, and the factors influencing molecular shape. Whether you're a budding chemist or simply curious about the molecular world, understanding conformation will open up new perspectives on the intricate dance of atoms that shapes our universe.


Introduction to conformation. What is the difference between configuration and conformation in chemistry?

Step 1: Introduction to Molecular Conformation

In this lesson, we will explore the concept of molecular conformation. Conformation refers to the different spatial arrangements of atoms in a molecule that can be achieved by rotation around single bonds. This is a key aspect of stereochemistry, which deals with the three-dimensional arrangement of atoms in molecules.

Step 2: Understanding Isomerism and Configuration

Before diving into conformation, it's important to understand isomerism and configuration. Isomerism involves molecules with the same molecular formula but different arrangements of atoms. Configuration refers to the fixed arrangement of atoms in a molecule that can only be changed by breaking and reforming chemical bonds. Examples of different configurations include structural isomerism, chain isomerism, functional group isomerism, and positional isomerism.

Step 3: Configuration Explained with an Analogy

To illustrate configuration, consider a stick figure with a red head, green arms, yellow legs, and a white body. Changing the configuration of this figure involves removing and repositioning its parts, such as moving the head to a different location. This process requires breaking and reforming connections, similar to how changing the configuration of a molecule involves breaking and reforming chemical bonds.

Step 4: Introduction to Conformation

Conformation, on the other hand, is much simpler. It involves changing the spatial arrangement of atoms in a molecule without breaking any bonds. This is achieved by rotating around single bonds. For example, rotating the arms or legs of the stick figure without detaching them changes its conformation. This type of isomerism is also known as rotational isomerism, and the different forms are called rotamers.

Step 5: Conformation in Chemical Structures

In chemical structures, changing conformation involves rotating around single bonds. This does not require breaking any bonds, unlike changing configuration. For example, rotating the bonds in a molecule can result in different conformations, which are simply different spatial arrangements of the same molecule.

Step 6: Summary of Differences

In summary, the key difference between configuration and conformation is that configuration involves breaking and reforming chemical bonds to change the arrangement of atoms, while conformation involves rotating around single bonds without breaking any bonds. Understanding this distinction is crucial for studying stereochemistry and the behavior of molecules in different environments.

  1. What is molecular conformation?

    Molecular conformation refers to the three-dimensional arrangement of atoms within a molecule that can be interconverted by rotations about single bonds. It's different from configuration, which requires breaking and reforming bonds to change. Conformations can significantly affect a molecule's properties and reactivity.

  2. How do Newman projections help in understanding molecular conformations?

    Newman projections are visual representations that help illustrate the spatial arrangement of atoms in a molecule when viewed along a particular bond axis. They're particularly useful for analyzing rotations around single bonds and understanding concepts like staggered and eclipsed conformations, which have different energy states.

  3. Why is the chair conformation of cyclohexane more stable than the boat conformation?

    The chair conformation of cyclohexane is more stable because it minimizes both angle strain and torsional strain. In this arrangement, all carbon-carbon bonds are staggered, reducing electron repulsion. The boat conformation, on the other hand, has eclipsing interactions and steric strain between hydrogen atoms, making it less stable.

  4. What are axial and equatorial positions in cyclohexane?

    In the chair conformation of cyclohexane, substituents can occupy either axial or equatorial positions. Axial positions are parallel to the vertical axis of symmetry, pointing straight up or down from the ring. Equatorial positions are roughly perpendicular to this axis, pointing outward from the ring. Generally, bulky substituents prefer equatorial positions due to reduced steric interactions.

  5. How does understanding molecular conformation impact drug design?

    Understanding molecular conformation is crucial in drug design because it affects how a drug molecule interacts with its target in the body. The specific three-dimensional shape of a drug molecule determines its ability to bind to receptors or enzymes. By manipulating conformations, chemists can optimize drug efficacy, reduce side effects, and improve overall pharmacological properties.


Before delving into the fascinating world of molecular conformation, it's crucial to have a solid foundation in certain prerequisite topics. One of the most important concepts to grasp is molecular geometry and VSEPR theory. Understanding this fundamental principle is essential for comprehending the intricacies of molecular conformation and its significance in chemistry.

Molecular geometry plays a pivotal role in shaping our understanding of how atoms are arranged in three-dimensional space. This knowledge is directly applicable to molecular conformation, as it provides the basis for predicting and analyzing the spatial arrangement of atoms within molecules. By mastering molecular geometry, students gain the ability to visualize and interpret the various conformations that molecules can adopt.

The Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) theory, which is an integral part of molecular geometry, offers valuable insights into the factors that influence molecular shape. This theory is particularly relevant to molecular conformation, as it helps explain why certain conformations are more stable or preferred over others. By understanding VSEPR principles, students can better predict and rationalize the conformational preferences of different molecules.

Moreover, molecular geometry provides the foundation for comprehending important concepts in molecular conformation, such as bond angles, bond lengths, and molecular symmetry. These aspects are crucial when analyzing the energy and stability of different conformations, as well as their reactivity and properties.

In the study of molecular conformation, students will frequently encounter terms and concepts that directly relate to molecular geometry. For instance, the idea of steric hindrance, which plays a significant role in determining conformational preferences, is closely tied to the spatial arrangement of atoms as described by molecular geometry principles.

Furthermore, understanding molecular geometry and VSEPR theory equips students with the necessary tools to interpret spectroscopic data and structural information about molecules. This skill is invaluable when studying molecular conformation, as it allows for the accurate interpretation of experimental results and the prediction of conformational behavior.

In conclusion, a strong grasp of molecular geometry and VSEPR theory serves as a crucial stepping stone towards mastering the concepts of molecular conformation. By investing time in understanding these prerequisite topics, students will find themselves better prepared to tackle the complexities of conformational analysis and its applications in various fields of chemistry and biochemistry.