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StudyPug Learning is an educational institution with 20 years of teaching and tutoring experience, serving the Greater Vancouver area. We have a comprehensive online teaching platform with 1.5 million users, and a team of teachers qualified and certified to teach a variety of subjects in a rich online experience. Our classes are based on Canadian syllabi and standards, and were developed to cover all aspects that will meet the academic needs of students.

Interested in our classes? Sign up today and participate in our workshops!

AP Tips & Tricks Workshop

Earn high marks in your AP courses by learning the ins and outs of AP exams.

Adaptive Learning Strategies

Get guidance on how to sufficiently plan for online and in-person school components.

Ivy League Case Study Seminar

Examine acceptance trends and speak with admission officers from Ivy League schools.

Private School Application Sprint

Advisors uncover the secrets to a successful application.

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Oct. 15

StudyPug Learning × InGenius

StudyPug Learning partnered with InGenius to bring a US-based application planning lecture and compilation of AP strategies for Canadian students. This helped students easily prepare for their AP exams!

Sep. 27

Online Learning Seminar

StudyPug Learning brought students and parents together during the COVID-19 Pandemic by delivering an online seminar. We introduced study strategies to accommodate the online learning environments and walked students through university application processes. Many students were able to achieve success under our guidance!

Sep. 15

StudyPug Learning × former MIT Admissions Officer

StudyPug Learning hosted a talk with Aman, an Ivy League academic advisor and former MIT admissions officer, and Joby, a St. George and New York University graduate with a background in academic advising. Both discussed aspects to focus on in a university application and how to stand out from the pool of candidates.

Jun. 20

Private School Application Expert

StudyPug Learning hosted a workshop with Joby Chen, our chief academic advisor to bring students and parents together for a lecture on private school application planning for the 2020 - 2021 school year.

May 17

StudyPug Learning × Burnaby School Board

StudyPug Learning collaborated with the curriculum director of Burnaby’s AP department and our own AP coordinator to quell students’ concerns on AP courses and exams, as well as give secrets on achieving a perfect score!

Apr. 29

StudyPug Learning Online Courses

The COVID-19 Pandemic brought forth an unprecedented turn of events and changed education from physical to online. StudyPug Learning was swift to accommodate these changes through our professional online platform, already certified to help students improve their learning efficiency from home.

Sign up for more online activities, be informed on how to improve your education, and join our growing number of successful students!

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