Public Speaking Tutors in Vancouver
Our tutors will help develop your skills in speaking and understanding the English language.
- Canadian Based Tutoring Service
- Affordable Private Tutors
- Online Tutorials Available
Our Public Speaking Classes
English is the second largest language across the globe. It dominates the western world and those that know how to speak it will find that their schooling, job interviews, and college applications will vastly improve.
Expert Speech Coaches
Our talented team of English speech tutors will have your children debating interesting topics, expanding their vocabulary, and learning how to speak more clearly. This will culminate at the end of term with a public performance.
A Unique Approach to Tutoring
Using our proven online learning strategies, we'll help your child develop their confidence in the English languages by introducing simple steps towards fluent and complex speaking techniques. Our excellent tutors will support their learning every step of the way and will set them tasks to help them build their speaking ability.
Learn from home, online!
Years of experience with online learning • A reputation for student success across Canada • Locally trained, Canadian English teachers
Math classes available now!
Foundational training for speeches
For students Grades 5 - 7
Expanding speaking skills and vocabulary
For students Grades 8 - 10
Practical training for university
For students Grades 11 - 12
Classes fill fast - call today!
Simple speech exercises that work
Our years of experience in teaching and tutoring has allowed us to develop unique tips and tricks that make learning the English language much easier.
Track their progress
To help you stay up-to-date with your child's speech progress, we'll invite you to a weekly parent-tutor meeting. These meetings will allow our tutors to break down how your child is performing, what they are covering in our public speaking program, and what you can do to support their development.