Canadian Coding Classes

Our coders cover basic coding and computing to give your child an advantage in the digital age

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Our Coding Classes


As the world moves into a digital future, more and more colleges and employers are seeking individuals with computing knowledge. Join today and give your child the skills employers are looking for.

Coders with Experience

Combined, our team has many years of tutoring and coding experience. Our tutors are fully equipped to help your children develop their computing skills, and each child will walk away from our clubs having creating something of their own using basic code.

Technology for Teaching

Using our proven online learning strategies, we'll help your child learn coding by introducing simple steps to solve common tech problems. Our excellent tutors will support their learning every step of the way and will set them tasks to help them build their digital skills.

Coding classes available now!

Basic Coding

Engage students' interest and foundation for programming

Suited for students in Grades 5 - 7

Advanced Coding

Delve into coding and create their own programs

Suited for students in Grades 8 - 12

Classes fill fast - call today!

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Simple computing hacks that work

Our years of experience in teaching and tutoring has allowed us to develop unique tips and tricks that make coding and computing much easier.

Track their progress

To help you stay up-to-date with your child's progress towards becoming a coding wizard, we'll invite you to a weekly parent-tutor meeting. These meetings will allow our tutors to break down how your child is performing, what they are covering in our coding club, and what you can do to support their learning.
