Subtracting integers

  1. Introduction to subtracting integers vertically
  1. Subtract using a number line.
    1. (+5) – (+2)
    2. (+9) – (+7)
    3. (-10) – (-3)
  2. George lives 15 floors up from street level in his apartment. He rides down the elevator from his room to a parking level that is two floors below street level. How many floors does he ride down in total?
  3. The temperature recorded in Whitehorse, Yukon on Christmas day is -20 degrees Celsius. On the same day in Hawaii, the temperature is + 25 degrees Celsius. What is the temperature difference between these two places?
  4. Subtracting 1-digit Integers Vertically– Like Signs
    Subtract the following integers vertically.
    1. (+5)(+2) (+5)-(+2)
    2. (+3)(+9)(+3)-(+9)
    3. (2)(6) (-2)-(-6)
    4. (9)(7) (-9)-(-7)
  5. Subtracting 1-digit Integers Vertically – Unlike Signs
    Subtract the following integers vertically.
    1. (+3)(4) (+3)-(-4)
    2. (1)(+6)(-1)-(+6)
  6. Subtracting 2-digit integers Vertically
    Subtract the following integers vertically.
    1. (+36)(+79) (+36)-(+79)
    2. (47)(82) (-47)-(-82)
    3. (+53)(28) (+53)-(-28)
    4. (25)(+66)(-25)-(+66)