Word names
- How to write numbers 0-100 as their word names
- Writing big multi-digit numbers as word names
- Writing different types of fractions as word names
- Three methods to write decimals as word names
- Writing money amounts as word names
- Representing Numbers (up to 1000s) Using Word Names
Write the number as its word name (using letters): - Representing Numbers (up to 1000s) Using Word Names
Write the multi-digit number as its word name (using letters): - Representing Fractions Using Word Names
Write the fraction as its word name (using letters): - Representing Decimals Using Word Names
Write the decimal as its word name (using letters): - Representing Money Amounts Using Word Names
Write the money amount as its word name (using letters): - Number Word Names - Word Problem
Read the passage. Rewrite the number word names in standard form.- Melanie is doing a science project on butterflies. She learned that their life cycle has four stages: egg, caterpillar, pupa, and adult. She also learned that the oldest butterfly fossils come from fifty-six million years ago. There are about eighteen thousand five hundred butterfly species in the world. She also raised some monarch butterflies and measured them to have a wingspan of about three point nine inches and a weight of about seven tenths four hundredths grams.