Word names
Topic Notes
In this lesson, we will learn:
- How to write different types of numbers as words
- numbers, multi-digit numbers, fractions, decimals, money amounts
- Writing numbers as their word names requires some memorization!

- The numbers 13 to19 all have the same ending of “-teen” (fifteen, sixteen, etc.)
- All multiples of 10 from 20 to 90 end with “-ty” (thirty, forty, fifty, etc.)
- Numbers from 21 to 99 have a dash in between (thirty-three, seventy-one, etc.)
- When you write the word names for big multi-digit numbers:
- Look at each group of 3 place values.
- Name the number made by 3 digits and add the type of place value at the end
Ex. 7, 186, 493 = “seven million one hundred eighty-six thousand four hundred ninety-three”

- When you write fractions as their word names, follow the format: [numerator] – [denominator as an ordinal] [add ‘s’ at the end unless numerator is 1]
- Proper fractions ex. = “two–ninths” vs. = “one–fifth”
- Multi-digit fractions ex. = “forty-three seventy-firsts” (NO dash in between)
- Improper fractions ex. = “eleven–sevenths”
- Mixed fractions ex. 6 = “six and three–fifths” (write “and” after whole number)
- Special fraction names ex. = “one–half”; = “three–halves”; = “one–quarter”
- There are 3 ways to write decimals as their word names:
- Ex. 0.87
- Reading method: “zero point eight seven”
- Separate method: eight tenths seven hundredths
- Condensed method: eighty-seven hundredths
- Money amounts are a special type of decimal, their word names name the dollar amount and then the cents amount.
- Ex. $35.46 = thirty-five dollars and forty-six cents