Parallel and perpendicular line segments

  1. How to use a protractor?
  2. What are parallel lines?
  3. What are perpendicular lines?
  1. Are line segments AB and BC parallel or perpendicular?
    perpendicular lines
  2. Below is a line segment, AB.
    1. Draw a line segment that is perpendicular to AB.
      draw perpendicular
    2. Draw a line segment that is parallel to AB.
      draw parallel
  3. Identify the parallel and perpendicular streets in the diagram below.
    identify parallel or perpendicular
  4. Parallel or not parallel
    Are these line segments parallel? Answer YES or NO.
    1. ABCD\overline{AB} \, \parallel \, \overline{CD}
      Points, Lines, Line Segments and Ra
    2. EFGH\overline{EF} \, \parallel \, \overline{GH}

      Points, Lines, Line Segments and Ra
    3. IJKL\overline{IJ} \, \parallel \, \overline{KL}

      Points, Lines, Line Segments and Ra
  5. Perpendicular or not perpendicular
    Are these lines perpendicular? Answer YES or NO.
    1. MNOP\overline{MN} \, \perp \, \overline{OP}

      Points, Lines, Line Segments and Ra
    2. QRST\overline{QR} \, \perp \, \overline{ST}

      Points, Lines, Line Segments and Ra
    3. UVWX\overline{UV} \, \perp \, \overline{WX}

      Points, Lines, Line Segments and Ra