Comparing and ordering decimals and fractions

  1. How do you compare two numbers?
  2. How do you compare decimals and fractions?
    1. Why is 8.97 more than 8.795?
    2. Why do you need to be in the "same format"?
  3. How to you place common fractions and decimals onto a number line?
  4. How do you order a list of 3 or more decimals and fractions?
  1. Comparing decimals up to thousandths
    Compare decimal vs. decimal and circle the bigger value.
    1. 0.164 and 0.162
    2. 0.36 and 0.6
    3. .605 and 0.6
  2. Comparing the values of decimals with fractions
    Compare decimal vs. fraction and circle the smaller value. (Or, circle both if they are equal and have the same value)
    1. 0.5 and 12\frac{1}{2}
    2. 0.8 and 34\frac{3}{4}
    3. 925\frac{9}{25} and 0.34
    4. 0.3 and 25\frac{2}{5}
    5. 710\frac{7}{10} and 0.07
  3. Comparing and ordering decimals and decimal fractions
    Change each value into all the same form and then write in order from least to greatest:
    1. Change all the following into decimals:
      1. 2.19, 248100\frac{48}{100}, 239100\frac{39}{100}
      2. 810\frac{8}{10}, 25100\frac{25}{100}, 0.31
      3. 16661000\frac{666}{1000}, 135\frac{3}{5}, 1.66
    2. Change all the following into decimal fractions
      1. 0.493, 0.48, 0.479
      2. 3.7, 1.65, 2.82
      3. 0.46, 0.7, 0.3
  4. Comparing and ordering decimals and non-decimal fractions
    Write the decimals/fractions in order from greatest to least*
    1. 0.799, 810\frac{8}{10}, 34\frac{3}{4}
    2. 25\frac{2}{5}, 60100\frac{60}{100}, 12\frac{1}{2}, 0.582
    3. 125\frac{1}{25}, 41000\frac{4}{1000}, 1125\frac{11}{25}, 0.444, 410\frac{4}{10}
  5. Word problem for comparing decimals and fractions
    Ms. Johnson's science class is having a crystal growing competition. They are measuring the results by how heavy each student's crystal weighs. Who came in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place?

    Student Name

    Crystal Weight






    75.492 g




  6. Word problem for comparing decimals and expanded form
    Use the following words below each question; each set of words can make up a written form for several different decimal numbers.
    1. Rearrange the words below to create the largest number possible. Also, write the standard form of this number.

      "hundredths, tenths, thousandths, four, eight, seven, nine, and"
    2. Rearrange the words below to create the largest number possible. Also, write the standard form of this number.

      "thousand, thousandths, and, thirty-two, fifty-six"