Arrays and factors

Topic Notes

In this lesson, we will learn:

  • Factors, Products, Multiplication Statements
  • Writing a product for a given array
  • Drawing arrays to find factors
  • Using an array to describe the distributive property of multiplication


  • Numbers we can multiply to get another number
  • Numbers we can multiply to get another number
  • two numbers that we multiply together to get a certain product

Ex. 3 x 4 = 12 

3 and 4 are both factors of 12 and 3 and 4 are a factor pair

\quad 2 x 6 = 12 

2 and 6 are also factors of 12, 2 and 6 are a factor pair

BUT be careful! 2 and 4 are not a factor pair of 12 even though they are both factors of 12 because:


Tips for finding factors
  • Every number has 1 as a factor
  • Every number has itself as a factor 

  • The term product in this section is used for both an expression involving multiplication and the evaluation of that expression 

\qquad \qquad Ex. The product of 2 and 5 is: 2 x 5 and 10

  • An array is a diagram which represents a product 
  • You can draw an array with dots or with squares 

Representing Numbers: Tally Marks

Writing a product for a given array
The product is created by writing the number of rows times the number of columns
The product for the above array would be 2 x 3 or 6