COVID-19: StudyPug is here to Help!
Teachers, we are 100% free until the end of October for Schools affected by COVID-19. Talk to us now.
Curated, modern video lessons designed to work
Complement your class with our extensive library of video lessons, questions and study plans.
A painless way to deploy remote learning
Designed for ease of use for both teachers and students
Reporting that informs
Each students' activities and challenges are tracked and consolidated to be actionable and relevant
You have a plan for success
Rapid setup of a learning plan that fits for your class, and personalized to each student.
Part of your educational toolkit
Whether it's remote learning, asynchronized learning, or complementary learning, we enhance your class.
Remote video lessons
Assign and track videos to watch
Offline and after-hours support
When students just need more practice
Practice makes perfect
Practice and video lessons for your class
Self-paced learning
Keep students engaged at their own pace
How to use StudyPug
The nuts and bolts of how to rapidly deploy your class
How to use StudyPug
The nuts and bolts of how to rapidly deploy your class
Managing students
Student Management Overview
Adding a student via Referral
Adding a student manually (as a teacher)
Editing student profiles (as a teacher)
Removing students (as a teacher)
What are Learning Plans?
Adding learning plans (as a teacher)
Managing learning plans
Editing learning plans (as a teacher)
Removing learning plans (as a teacher)
Viewing Recent Activity
Understanding student progress
Viewing student progress
What are my students learning, exactly?
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What You Get
Access to unlimited math & science help
Lessons from expert educators
Helpful examples for all topics
Thousands of practice questions
Why StudyPug?
A great tool for exam prep
The perfect companion to studies
Eliminates homework headaches
Our students see better grades