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High School Math Teacher, US
StudyPug is a more interactive way of study math and offers students an easy access to stay on track in their math class.
See all our testimonials
Grade 8 student, Leto High, Tampa, FL
StudyPug covers all the topics I learn in my math class and I can always find the help I need so easily. My marks have improved a lot and I'm so happy:)
Parent of Algebra student, US
My child used to get confused a lot in math class before. Study Pug's math videos are concise and easy to understand. It's great that he feels more confident in math now.
High School Math Teacher, US
An easy access to stay on track
StudyPug is a more interactive way of study math and offers students an easy access to stay on track in their math class.
Grade 8 student, Leto High, Tampa, FL
I can always find the help I need
StudyPug covers all the topics I learn in my math class and I can always find the help I need so easily. My marks have improved a lot and I'm so happy:)
Parent of Algebra student, US
Concise and easy to understand
My child used to get confused a lot in math class before. Study Pug's math videos are concise and easy to understand. It's great that he feels more confident in math now.