Discover comprehensive Grade 7 math courses aligned with Florida's standards. From pre-algebra to geometry basics, we offer a structured learning path to build a strong mathematical foundation for your future academic success.
FL Standard | Shortened Benchmark | StudyPug Topic |
MA.7.NSO.1.1 | Know and apply the Laws of Exponents to evaluate numerical expressions and generate equivalent numerical expressions |
MA.7.NSO.1.2 | Rewrite rational numbers in different forms including fractions, mixed numbers, repeating decimals and percentages |
MA.7.NSO.2.1 | Solve multi-step problems involving operations with rational numbers |
MA.7.NSO.2.2 | Add, subtract, multiply and divide rational numbers with procedural fluency |
MA.7.NSO.2.3 | Solve real-world problems involving any of the four operations with rational numbers |
MA.7.AR.1.1 | Apply properties of operations to add and subtract linear expressions with rational coefficients |
MA.7.AR.1.2 | Determine whether two linear expressions are equivalent |
MA.7.AR.2.1 | Write and solve one-step inequalities in one variable |
MA.7.AR.2.2 | Write and solve two-step equations in one variable |
MA.7.AR.3.1 | Apply previous understanding of percentages and ratios to solve multi-step real-world percent problems |
MA.7.AR.3.2 | Apply previous understanding of ratios to solve real-world problems involving proportions |
MA.7.AR.3.3 | Solve mathematical and real-world problems involving the conversion of units across different measurement systems |
MA.7.AR.4.2 | Determine the constant of proportionality within a mathematical or real-world context given a table, graph or equation |
MA.7.AR.4.3 | Given a mathematical or real-world context, graph proportional relationships from a table, equation or a written description |
MA.7.AR.4.4 | Given any representation of a proportional relationship, translate the representation to a written description, table, equation or graph |
MA.7.AR.4.5 | Solve real-world problems involving proportional relationships |
MA.7.GR.1.2 | Solve mathematical and real-world problems involving the area of polygons or composite figures by decomposing them into triangles or quadrilaterals |
MA.7.GR.1.3 | Explore the proportional relationship between circumferences and diameters of circles |
MA.7.GR.1.4 | Explore and apply a formula to find the area of a circle to solve mathematical and real-world problems |
MA.7.GR.1.5 | Solve mathematical and real-world problems involving dimensions and areas of geometric figures, including scale drawings and scale factors |
MA.7.GR.2.1 | Given a mathematical or real-world context, find the surface area of a right circular cylinder using the figure's net |
MA.7.GR.2.3 | Solve mathematical and real-world problems involving volume of right circular cylinders |
MA.7.DP.1.1 | Determine an appropriate measure of center or measure of variation to summarize numerical data |
MA.7.DP.1.2 | Given two numerical or graphical representations of data, use the measure(s) of center and measure(s) of variability to make comparisons, interpret results and draw conclusions |
MA.7.DP.1.3 | Given categorical data from a random sample, use proportional relationships to make predictions about a population |
MA.7.DP.1.4 | Use proportional reasoning to construct, display and interpret data in circle graphs |
MA.7.DP.1.5 | Given a real-world numerical or categorical data set, choose and create an appropriate graphical representation |
MA.7.DP.2.1 | Determine the sample space for a simple experiment |
MA.7.DP.2.2 | Given the probability of a chance event, interpret the likelihood of it occurring. Compare the probabilities of chance events |
MA.7.DP.2.3 | Find the theoretical probability of an event related to a simple experiment |
MA.7.DP.2.4 | Use a simulation of a simple experiment to find experimental probabilities and compare them to theoretical probabilities |