Discover Florida's Grade 6 math curriculum, designed to build strong foundations in key mathematical concepts. Our comprehensive courses align with state standards and provide a clear learning pathway for student success.
FL Standard | Shortened Benchmark | StudyPug Topic |
MA.6.NSO.1.1 | Extend previous understanding of numbers to define rational numbers. Plot, order and compare rational numbers |
MA.6.NSO.1.2 | Given a mathematical or real-world context, represent quantities that have opposite direction using rational numbers |
MA.6.NSO.1.3 | Given a mathematical or real-world context, interpret the absolute value of a number as the distance from zero on a number line |
MA.6.NSO.1.4 | Solve mathematical and real-world problems involving absolute value |
MA.6.NSO.2.1 | Multiply and divide positive multi-digit numbers with decimals to the thousandths |
MA.6.NSO.2.2 | Extend previous understanding of multiplication and division to compute products and quotients of positive fractions by positive fractions |
MA.6.NSO.2.3 | Solve multi-step real-world problems involving any of the four operations with positive fractions and decimals |
MA.6.NSO.3.1 | Given a numerical expression, evaluate the expression using order of operations |
MA.6.NSO.3.2 | Rewrite the sum or difference of two composite whole numbers having a common factor, as a multiple of a sum or difference of two whole numbers |
MA.6.NSO.3.3 | Evaluate positive rational numbers and integers with natural number exponents |
MA.6.NSO.3.5 | Rewrite positive rational numbers in different but equivalent forms |
MA.6.NSO.4.1 | Apply and extend previous understandings of operations with whole numbers to add and subtract integers with procedural fluency |
MA.6.NSO.4.2 | Apply and extend previous understandings of operations with whole numbers to multiply and divide integers with procedural fluency |
MA.6.AR.1.1 | Given a mathematical or real-world context, translate written descriptions into algebraic expressions and algebraic expressions into written descriptions |
MA.6.AR.1.2 | Translate a real-world written description into an algebraic inequality |
MA.6.AR.1.3 | Evaluate algebraic expressions using substitution and order of operations |
MA.6.AR.1.4 | Apply the properties of operations to generate equivalent algebraic expressions |
MA.6.AR.2.2 | Write and solve one-step equations in one variable |
MA.6.AR.2.3 | Write and solve one-step inequalities in one variable |
MA.6.AR.2.4 | Determine the unknown decimal or fraction in an equation involving any of the four operations, relating three numbers, with the unknown in any position |
MA.6.AR.3.1 | Given a real-world context, write and interpret ratios to show the relative sizes of two quantities using appropriate notation |
MA.6.AR.3.2 | Given a real-world context, determine a rate for a ratio of quantities with different units |
MA.6.AR.3.3 | Extend previous understanding of fractions and numerical patterns to generate or complete a two- or three-column table to display equivalent part-to-part ratios and part-to-part-to-whole ratios |
MA.6.AR.3.4 | Apply ratio relationships to solve mathematical and real-world problems involving percentages using the relationship between two quantities |
MA.6.AR.3.5 | Solve mathematical and real-world problems involving ratios, rates and unit rates, including comparisons, mixtures, ratios of lengths and conversions within the same measurement system |
MA.6.GR.1.1 | Extend previous understanding of the coordinate plane to plot rational number ordered pairs in all four quadrants and on both axes |
MA.6.GR.1.2 | Plot ordered pairs on a coordinate plane, including rational numbers, to solve real-world and mathematical problems |
MA.6.GR.1.3 | Find distances between ordered pairs, limited to the same x-coordinate or the same y-coordinate, to solve real-world and mathematical problems |
MA.6.GR.2.1 | Derive a formula for the area of a right triangle using a rectangle |
MA.6.GR.2.2 | Solve mathematical and real-world problems involving the area of quadrilaterals and composite figures by decomposing them into triangles or rectangles |
MA.6.GR.2.3 | Solve mathematical and real-world problems involving the volume of right rectangular prisms with positive rational number edge lengths using a visual model and a formula |
MA.6.GR.2.4 | Given a mathematical or real-world context, find the surface area of right rectangular prisms and right rectangular pyramids using the figure's net |
MA.6.DP.1.1 | Recognize and formulate a statistical question that would generate numerical data |
MA.6.DP.1.2 | Given a numerical data set within a real-world context, find and interpret mean, median, mode and range |
MA.6.DP.1.3 | Given a box plot within a real-world context, determine the minimum, the lower quartile, the median, the upper quartile and the maximum |
MA.6.DP.1.4 | Given a histogram or line plot within a real-world context, qualitatively describe and interpret the spread and distribution of the data |
MA.6.DP.1.6 | Given a real-world scenario, determine and describe how changes in data values impact measures of center and variation |