Discover comprehensive Grade 5 math courses aligned with Florida standards. Our curriculum covers essential topics, providing a strong foundation for future mathematical concepts and academic success.
FL Standard | Shortened Benchmark | StudyPug Topic |
MA.5.NSO.1.1 | Express how the value of a digit in a multi-digit number changes if the digit moves one place to the left or right |
MA.5.NSO.1.2 | Read and write multi-digit numbers using standard form, expanded form and word form |
MA.5.NSO.1.3 | Compose and decompose multi-digit numbers |
MA.5.NSO.1.4 | Plot, order and compare multi-digit numbers |
MA.5.NSO.1.5 | Round multi-digit numbers to the nearest whole number, tenth, hundredth or thousandth |
MA.5.NSO.2.1 | Multiply multi-digit whole numbers including using a standard algorithm |
MA.5.NSO.2.2 | Divide multi-digit whole numbers, up to five digits by two digits |
MA.5.NSO.2.3 | Add and subtract multi-digit numbers with decimals to the thousandths |
MA.5.NSO.2.4 | Explore multiplication and division of multi-digit numbers with decimals to the hundredths |
MA.5.NSO.2.5 | Multiply and divide a multi-digit number with decimals to the tenths by one-tenth and one-hundredth |
MA.5.FR.1.1 | Given a mathematical or real-world problem, represent the division of two whole numbers as a fraction |
MA.5.FR.2.1 | Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators |
MA.5.FR.2.2 | Extend previous understanding of multiplication to multiply a fraction by a fraction |
MA.5.FR.2.3 | When multiplying a given number by a fraction less than 1 or a fraction greater than 1, predict and explain the relative size of the product to the given number |
MA.5.FR.2.4 | Extend previous understanding of division to explore the division of a unit fraction by a whole number and a whole number by a unit fraction |
MA.5.AR.1.1 | Solve multi-step real-world problems involving any combination of the four operations with whole numbers |
MA.5.AR.1.2 | Solve real-world problems involving the addition, subtraction or multiplication of fractions |
MA.5.AR.2.1 | Translate written real-world and mathematical descriptions into numerical expressions and numerical expressions into written mathematical descriptions |
MA.5.AR.2.2 | Evaluate multi-step numerical expressions using order of operations |
MA.5.AR.2.3 | Determine and explain whether an equation involving any of the four operations is true or false |
MA.5.AR.2.4 | Given a mathematical or real-world context, write an equation using a variable to represent an unknown quantity |
MA.5.AR.3.1 | Given a numerical pattern, identify and write a rule that can describe the pattern as an expression |
MA.5.AR.3.2 | Given a rule for a numerical pattern, use a two-column table to record the inputs and outputs |
MA.5.M.1.1 | Solve multi-step real-world problems that involve converting measurement units to equivalent measurements within a single system of measurement |
MA.5.GR.1.1 | Classify triangles or quadrilaterals into different categories based on shared defining attributes |
MA.5.GR.1.2 | Identify and classify three-dimensional figures into categories based on their defining attributes |
MA.5.GR.2.1 | Find the perimeter and area of rectangles using formulas, given whole number side lengths |
MA.5.GR.3.1 | Explore volume as an attribute of three-dimensional figures by packing them with unit cubes without gaps |
MA.5.GR.3.2 | Find the volume of right rectangular prisms with whole-number side lengths using a visual model and a formula |
MA.5.GR.3.3 | Solve real-world problems involving the volume of right rectangular prisms |
MA.5.GR.4.1 | Identify the origin and axes in the coordinate system |
MA.5.GR.4.2 | Plot ordered pairs on the coordinate plane |
MA.5.DP.1.1 | Collect, represent and interpret numerical data using tables, line graphs or line plots |
MA.5.DP.1.2 | Interpret numerical data represented with tables, line graphs or line plots to answer questions about a situation |
Florida's Grade 5 math curriculum covers fractions, decimals, geometry, measurement, data analysis, and basic algebraic concepts, aligning with state standards for comprehensive learning.
Parents can support learning by reviewing daily work, using online resources, practicing real-world math applications, and maintaining open communication with teachers about progress.
Before Grade 5, students should be proficient in basic arithmetic, understand place value, have foundational fraction knowledge, and be familiar with simple geometric shapes.
Grade 5 math in Florida introduces more abstract concepts and problem-solving skills, laying the groundwork for pre-algebra and preparing students for the complexities of middle school math.
Florida uses a combination of standardized tests, classroom assessments, and performance tasks to evaluate Grade 5 math skills, ensuring comprehensive understanding of the curriculum.
Florida Grade 5 Math Curriculum - StudyPug Courses | StudyPug