Discover comprehensive Grade 4 math courses aligned with Florida's curriculum. Our program covers essential topics, providing a strong foundation for future mathematical success.
FL Standard | Shortened Benchmark | StudyPug Topic |
MA.4.NSO.1.1 | Express how the value of a digit changes if it moves one place to the left or right |
MA.4.NSO.1.3 | Plot, order and compare multi-digit whole numbers |
MA.4.NSO.1.4 | Round whole numbers to the nearest 10, 100 or 1,000 |
MA.4.NSO.1.5 | Plot, order and compare decimals up to the hundredths |
MA.4.NSO.2.1 | Recall multiplication facts with factors up to 12 and related division facts |
MA.4.NSO.2.2 | Multiply two whole numbers, up to three digits by up to two digits |
MA.4.NSO.2.4 | Divide a whole number up to four digits by a one-digit whole number |
MA.4.NSO.2.5 | Explore multiplication and division of multi-digit whole numbers using estimation, rounding and place value |
MA.4.NSO.2.6 | Identify the number that is one-tenth more, one-tenth less, one-hundredth more and one-hundredth less than a given number |
MA.4.NSO.2.7 | Explore the addition and subtraction of multi-digit numbers with decimals to the hundredths |
MA.4.FR.1.1 | Model and express a fraction including mixed numbers and fractions greater than one |
MA.4.FR.1.2 | Use decimal notation to represent fractions with denominators of 10 or 100 |
MA.4.FR.1.3 | Identify and generate equivalent fractions |
MA.4.FR.1.4 | Plot, order and compare fractions with different numerators and different denominators |
MA.4.FR.2.2 | Add and subtract fractions with like denominators |
MA.4.FR.2.3 | Explore the addition of fractions with unlike denominators |
MA.4.FR.2.4 | Extend previous understanding of multiplication to multiply a fraction by a whole number |
MA.4.AR.1.1 | Solve real-world problems involving multiplication and division of whole numbers |
MA.4.AR.1.2 | Solve real-world problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions with like denominators |
MA.4.AR.2.1 | Determine and explain whether an equation involving any of the four operations is true or false |
MA.4.AR.2.2 | Generate a numerical pattern when given a rule in the form of "When a number is multiplied by 2 that amount is added to the starting number." |
MA.4.AR.3.1 | Determine factor pairs for a whole number from 0 to 144 |
MA.4.AR.3.2 | Determine whether a whole number from 0 to 144 is prime or composite |
MA.4.M.1.1 | Select and use appropriate tools to measure attributes of objects |
MA.4.M.1.2 | Convert within a single system of measurement |
MA.4.M.2.1 | Solve two-step real-world problems involving distances and intervals of time using any combination of the four operations |
MA.4.M.2.2 | Solve one- and two-step addition and subtraction real-world problems involving money |
MA.4.GR.1.1 | Draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles and perpendicular and parallel lines |
MA.4.GR.1.2 | Identify and sort quadrilaterals based on parallel or perpendicular sides and the presence or absence of right angles |
MA.4.GR.1.3 | Recognize line symmetry in two-dimensional figures and identify line-symmetric figures |
MA.4.GR.2.1 | Solve perimeter and area mathematical and real-world problems |
MA.4.GR.2.2 | Solve problems involving rectangles with the same perimeter and different areas or with the same area and different perimeters |
MA.4.DP.1.1 | Collect and represent numerical data using tables, line plots and bar graphs |
MA.4.DP.1.2 | Determine the mode, median or range of a data set |
MA.4.DP.1.3 | Solve real-world problems involving numerical data |