Discover Florida's Grade 11 math curriculum, featuring Algebra II. Explore advanced algebraic concepts, prepare for college-level mathematics, and build a strong foundation for future STEM courses.
FL Standard | Shortened Benchmark | StudyPug Topic |
MA.912.AR.1.1 | Identify and interpret parts of an equation or expression |
MA.912.AR.1.3 | Add, subtract and multiply polynomial expressions |
MA.912.AR.1.5 | Divide polynomial expressions |
MA.912.AR.1.6 | Solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication or division of polynomials |
MA.912.AR.1.8 | Rewrite a polynomial expression as a product of polynomials |
MA.912.AR.1.9 | Add, subtract, multiply and divide rational algebraic expressions |
MA.912.AR.3.2 | Solve one-variable quadratic equations over the real and complex number systems |
MA.912.AR.3.3 | Solve and graph one-variable quadratic inequalities |
MA.912.AR.3.8 | Solve and graph problems modeled with quadratic functions |
MA.912.AR.3.9 | Write two-variable quadratic inequalities |
MA.912.AR.3.10 | Graph two-variable quadratic inequalities |
MA.912.AR.4.2 | Solve one-variable absolute value inequalities |
MA.912.AR.4.4 | Solve and graph problems modeled with absolute value functions |
MA.912.AR.5.2 | Solve equations involving logarithms or exponential expressions |
MA.912.AR.5.4 | Write an exponential function to represent a relationship |
MA.912.AR.5.5 | Solve exponential equations and interpret rate of change |
MA.912.AR.5.7 | Solve and graph problems modeled with exponential functions |
MA.912.AR.5.8 | Graph logarithmic functions and determine key features |
MA.912.AR.5.9 | Solve and graph problems modeled with logarithmic functions |
MA.912.AR.6.1 | Solve polynomial equations of degree 3 or higher |
MA.912.AR.6.5 | Sketch a rough graph of a polynomial function |
MA.912.AR.7.1 | Solve radical equations |
MA.912.AR.7.2 | Graph square root or cube root functions |
MA.912.AR.7.3 | Solve and graph problems modeled with square root or cube root functions |
MA.912.AR.8.1 | Solve rational equations |
MA.912.AR.8.2 | Graph rational functions |
MA.912.AR.8.3 | Solve and graph problems modeled with rational functions |
MA.912.AR.9.2 | Solve a system of linear and non-linear equations |
MA.912.AR.9.3 | Solve a system of non-linear equations |
MA.912.AR.9.5 | Graph the solution set of a system of inequalities |
MA.912.AR.9.7 | Represent constraints as systems of equations or inequalities |
MA.912.DP.2.8 | Fit a quadratic function to bivariate numerical data |
MA.912.DP.2.9 | Fit an exponential function to bivariate numerical data |
MA.912.F.1.1 | Determine function type from equation, graph, or table |
MA.912.F.1.7 | Compare key features of two functions |
MA.912.F.1.9 | Determine whether a function is even, odd or neither |
MA.912.F.2.2 | Identify the effect of multiple transformations on a function |
MA.912.F.2.3 | Given graphs of f(x) and transformed f(x), state the transformation |
MA.912.F.2.5 | Create tables, equations, or graphs of transformed functions |
MA.912.F.3.2 | Combine two or more functions using arithmetic operations |
MA.912.F.3.4 | Represent composition of two functions and determine domain and range |
MA.912.F.3.6 | Determine whether an inverse function exists |
MA.912.F.3.7 | Represent inverse functions algebraically, graphically or in tables |
MA.912.3.1 | MA.912.FL.3.1: Compare simple, compound and continuously compounded interest |
MA.912.3.2 | MA.912.FL.3.2: Solve problems involving simple, compound and continuously compounded interest |
MA.912.3.4 | MA.912.FL.3.4: Explain relationships between interest types and growth types |
MA.912.NSO.1.3 | Generate equivalent expressions with radicals or rational exponents |
MA.912.NSO.1.5 | Add, subtract, multiply and divide algebraic expressions with radicals |
MA.912.NSO.1.6 | Evaluate and generate equivalent numerical expressions with logarithms |
MA.912.NSO.1.7 | Generate equivalent algebraic expressions with logarithms |
MA.912.NSO.2.1 | Add, subtract, multiply and divide complex numbers |