Discover comprehensive Grade 6 Math courses aligned with California standards. Explore key concepts in ratios, fractions, algebra, and geometry to build a strong mathematical foundation for future learning.
ID | Standard | StudyPug Topic |
6.RP.1 | CA.6.RP.1: Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problems |
6.RP.2 | CA.6.RP.2: Understand the concept of a unit rate a/b associated with a ratio a:b with b ≠ 0 |
6.RP.3 | CA.6.RP.3: Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world and mathematical problems |
6.NS.1 | CA.6.NS.1: Interpret and compute quotients of fractions |
6.NS.2 | CA.6.NS.2: Fluently divide multi-digit numbers using the standard algorithm |
6.NS.3 | CA.6.NS.3: Fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide multi-digit decimals using the standard algorithm for each operation |
6.NS.4 | CA.6.NS.4: Find the greatest common factor of two whole numbers less than or equal to 100 and the least common multiple of two whole numbers less than or equal to 12 |
6.NS.5 | CA.6.NS.5: Understand that positive and negative numbers are used together to describe quantities having opposite directions or values |
6.NS.6 | CA.6.NS.6: Understand a rational number as a point on the number line. Extend number line diagrams and coordinate axes to represent points on the line and in the plane with negative number coordinates |
6.NS.7 | CA.6.NS.7: Understand ordering and absolute value of rational numbers |
6.NS.8 | CA.6.NS.8: Solve real-world and mathematical problems by graphing points in all four quadrants of the coordinate plane |
6.EE.1 | CA.6.EE.1: Write and evaluate numerical expressions involving whole-number exponents |
6.EE.2 | CA.6.EE.2: Write, read, and evaluate expressions in which letters stand for numbers |
6.EE.3 | CA.6.EE.3: Apply the properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions |
6.EE.4 | CA.6.EE.4: Identify when two expressions are equivalent |
6.EE.5 | CA.6.EE.5: Understand solving an equation or inequality as a process of answering a question |
6.EE.6 | CA.6.EE.6: Use variables to represent numbers and write expressions when solving a real-world or mathematical problem |
6.EE.7 | CA.6.EE.7: Solve real-world and mathematical problems by writing and solving equations of the form x + p = q and px = q for cases in which p, q and x are all nonnegative rational numbers |
6.EE.8 | CA.6.EE.8: Write an inequality of the form x > c or x < c to represent a constraint or condition in a real-world or mathematical problem |
6.EE.9 | CA.6.EE.9: Use variables to represent two quantities in a real-world problem that change in relationship to one another |
6.G.1 | CA.6.G.1: Find the area of right triangles, other triangles, special quadrilaterals, and polygons |
6.G.2 | CA.6.G.2: Find the volume of a right rectangular prism with fractional edge lengths |
6.G.3 | CA.6.G.3: Draw polygons in the coordinate plane given coordinates for the vertices |
6.G.4 | CA.6.G.4: Represent three-dimensional figures using nets made up of rectangles and triangles |
6.SP.1 | CA.6.SP.1: Recognize a statistical question as one that anticipates variability in the data related to the question and accounts for it in the answers |
6.SP.2 | CA.6.SP.2: Understand that a set of data collected to answer a statistical question has a distribution which can be described by its center, spread, and overall shape |
6.SP.3 | CA.6.SP.3: Recognize that a measure of center for a numerical data set summarizes all of its values with a single number |
6.SP.4 | CA.6.SP.4: Display numerical data in plots on a number line, including dot plots, histograms, and box plots |
6.SP.5 | CA.6.SP.5: Summarize numerical data sets in relation to their context |