Mastering Polarity: The Key to Molecular Behavior
Dive into the world of molecular polarity and discover its crucial role in chemistry. Learn how charge distribution affects chemical properties, solubility, and reactions. Perfect for students seeking a deeper understanding of molecular interactions.

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  1. Polarity in chemical substances
  2. Polarity in chemical substances
    Why are some compounds polar and some not?
  3. Polarity in chemical substances
    How can polar bonds lead to non-polar molecules?
  1. Apply your knowledge of electronegativity and polarity to identify polar and non-polar molecules.
    Read through the list of chemical compounds and determine if they are polar or non-polar.
    i) CH2O
    ii) CH4
    iii) OH2
    iv) BF3
    v) CHCl3
    Introduction to solution chemistry and solubility
    In this lesson, we will learn:
    • To understand what causes molecules to be polar.
    • To use knowledge of polarity to explain why "like dissolves like".
    • To apply knowledge of polarity and intermolecular forces to predict properties of chemical compounds.

    • We have looked at intermolecular forces already; understanding how polarity works is important to understanding intermolecular forces and the dissolving process in chemistry.

    • A molecule is polar when it contains atoms with a difference in electronegativity, arranged in a way that creates an unequal charge distribution. It can be predicted from the bonds in the molecule:
      • A polar bond is a bond between two atoms of different electronegativity – this creates an unbalanced charge distribution because more electrons (negative charge) are closer to the more electronegative atom than the less. As we saw in our lesson on intermolecular forces, this is called a dipole because it creates slightly positive and negative charges (δ+ / δ-) like a north/south pole.
      • The polar bond creates a permanent imbalance where electrons are closer to the electronegative atom – the charge is not equally distributed across the molecule. This causes polarity in a molecule. See the example of CH3Cl below.
      • In some cases, compounds with multiple polar bonds can still be non-polar because the polarizing effect of equal bonds can cancel each other out. An example is CCl4; C-Cl is a polar bond where Cl has a δ- charge. However, because all of these bonds are equally polar and equally spaced around the central carbon atom, their effects cancel out in all directions and the molecule is actually non-polar. This is what happens to CO2 and to any molecule with all its electron pairs bonding to equivalent atoms equally spaced around the central atom – symmetrical molecules. See the diagram below:

    • We saw in earlier lessons on solubility that "like dissolves like", meaning polar solvents dissolve polar solutes, and non-polar solvents dissolve non-polar solutes. This is because of intermolecular forces (IMFs):
      • Solvents are used in the liquid phase. In the liquid phase, molecules are in close contact with the ability to move, and the millions of identical solvent molecules mean any IMFs occur across all the individual solvent molecules in the container. The solvent molecules will pack together to maximize these attractive forces for stability, whether it is stability from London forces, dipole-dipole interactions or strong hydrogen bonds.
      • These attractive IMFs have to be overcome by the solute molecules if they are going to spread throughout the solvent molecules and dissolve. To do this, the solute molecules need to have IMFs of a similar strength! If they don't, the stronger IMFs will not be overcome by the weaker IMFs.
      • When solute and solvent molecules do have similar strength IMFs, the overcoming and breaking of solvent IMFs is replaced by forming IMFs between solute and solvent molecules. This allows molecules of both to move and interact with one another freely. This will form one homogenous phase of the solute dispersed throughout the solvent - that is a solution!
      • This means that solvation – the process of forming a solution – can equally happen with two non-polar species or two polar species, but not a polar and non-polar substance.

    • As mentioned in our "Intermolecular forces" lesson, the relative strengths of intermolecular forces are (strongest to weakest): hydrogen bonding > dipole-dipole interaction > London dispersion forces.
      • Remember that any molecule which contains electrons experiences London dispersion forces. Generally, the more electrons a molecule has, the stronger its London dispersion forces.
      • Because they are considerably weaker than dipoles and hydrogen bonding, London forces are generally ignored in molecules that contain stronger forces, because these stronger forces are a lot stronger; they determine properties.
      • Anything that contains polar bonds that is not symmetrical will contain permanent dipoles and have dipole-dipole interactions.
      • Hydrogen bonding occurs whenever molecules contain H-F, H-O, or H-N bonds. These are the strongest intermolecular forces – in molecules that use hydrogen bonding, this is the interaction most relevant to finding properties because it is the strongest.

    • In the same way that 'polar' interactions are stronger than nonpolar London forces and can't be overcome by them, compounds that make these polar interactions need more heat energy to be overcome than molecules with just London forces. This is observed by experiment, in some enormous shifts in melting and boiling point from the change in one atom. Below is a list of related compounds with their intermolecular forces listed and the number of electrons in the compound, to account for London forces:
    • Compound formula (name)

      Strongest IMFs present (# of electrons)

      Boiling point (oC)

      F2 (Fluorine gas)

      London forces (18 electrons)


      HF (Hydrogen fluoride)

      Hydrogen bonding (10 electrons)


      N2 (Nitrogen gas)

      London forces (14 electrons)


      NH3 (Ammonia)

      Hydrogen bonding (10 electrons)


      CH4 (Methane)

      London forces (10 electrons)


      CH2Cl2 (dichloromethane)

      Dipole-dipole interactions (42 electrons)


      • Along with many other experimental results, chemists use evidence like this to determine the strongest intermolecular forces and the extent that they affect properties of chemical compounds.
        • For example, the difference between the boiling points of ammonia and hydrogen fluoride (despite them having the same number of electrons) is that the hydrogen bonding in HF is stronger and therefore more energy is needed to overcome these stronger attractive forces than is needed to overcome the weaker hydrogen bonds in ammonia. London forces are weak and therefore very little energy is needed to overcome them in F2, N2 or CH4.

    Introduction to Polarity

    Welcome to our exploration of polarity in molecules and solutions, a fundamental concept in chemistry. Our introductory video sets the stage for understanding this crucial topic, which plays a significant role in determining chemical properties and behaviors. In this lesson, we'll delve into what causes molecules to be polar and how this polarity affects their interactions in various solutions. You'll learn about the uneven distribution of electrical charge within molecules and how this impacts their behavior. We'll examine the factors that contribute to polarity, such as electronegativity differences between atoms and molecular geometry. By the end of this lesson, you'll have a solid grasp of how polarity influences chemical reactions, solubility, and intermolecular forces. This knowledge is essential for predicting and explaining a wide range of chemical phenomena, making it a cornerstone of chemical understanding. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of molecular geometry and its far-reaching effects in the world of chemistry.


    Here are some frequently asked questions about polarity:

    1. Is H2O polar or nonpolar?

    H2O (water) is a polar molecule. The oxygen atom is more electronegative than the hydrogen atoms, creating an uneven distribution of charge. This results in a bent molecular geometry with a net dipole moment, making water polar.

    2. How does polarity affect intermolecular forces?

    Polarity significantly influences intermolecular forces. Polar molecules experience stronger attractions due to dipole-dipole interactions and hydrogen bonding. These forces lead to higher boiling points, surface tension, and solubility in polar solvents compared to nonpolar molecules of similar size.

    3. What are the 4 types of intermolecular forces?

    The four main types of intermolecular forces are: 1) London dispersion forces (present in all molecules), 2) Dipole-dipole interactions (between polar molecules), 3) Hydrogen bonding (a special case of dipole-dipole interactions), and 4) Ion-dipole forces (between ions and polar molecules).

    4. Why is polarity important in life?

    Polarity is crucial in biological systems. It influences the structure and function of biomolecules, cell membrane formation, and many biochemical reactions. Water's polarity makes it an excellent solvent for many biological processes, and the polarity of amino acids affects protein folding and interactions.

    5. How does polarity affect solubility?

    Polarity greatly affects solubility following the principle "like dissolves like." Polar substances tend to dissolve in polar solvents (e.g., salt in water), while nonpolar substances dissolve in nonpolar solvents (e.g., oil in hexane). This concept is fundamental in predicting solubility and designing separation techniques in chemistry and related fields.


    To fully grasp the concept of polarity in chemistry, it's crucial to have a solid foundation in several key areas. Understanding these prerequisite topics will significantly enhance your ability to comprehend and apply the principles of polarity in various chemical contexts.

    One of the fundamental concepts you should be familiar with is molecular geometry. This topic is essential because the shape of a molecule directly influences its polarity. The arrangement of atoms in space, as explained by VSEPR theory, determines whether a molecule will be polar or nonpolar. For instance, the bent shape of a water molecule contributes to its polar nature, while the linear structure of carbon dioxide results in a nonpolar molecule.

    Another critical prerequisite is understanding intermolecular forces. These forces are closely related to polarity, as the polarity of molecules affects how they interact with each other. Polar molecules tend to have stronger intermolecular forces, such as hydrogen bonding, which influences properties like boiling points and solubility. Recognizing these forces helps explain why polar substances tend to dissolve in polar solvents, a principle often summarized as "like dissolves like."

    A thorough understanding of the physical properties of elements in the periodic table is also crucial when studying polarity. The electronegativity of atoms, which is a key factor in determining bond polarity, varies across the periodic table. Elements with high electronegativity, like fluorine and oxygen, tend to form polar bonds when combined with less electronegative elements. This knowledge helps predict the polarity of various compounds and understand their behavior in chemical reactions.

    Lastly, an introduction to solution chemistry and solubility is vital for appreciating the practical applications of polarity. The concept of "like dissolves like" is rooted in polarity, explaining why polar solvents like water can dissolve polar solutes but not nonpolar ones. This principle is fundamental in various fields, from environmental science to pharmaceutical development, where understanding solubility is crucial for predicting chemical behavior and designing effective solutions.

    By mastering these prerequisite topics, you'll be well-equipped to delve into the intricacies of polarity. You'll be able to predict molecular polarity, understand its effects on chemical and physical properties, and apply this knowledge to real-world scenarios. Remember, chemistry is a interconnected subject, and a strong grasp of these foundational concepts will serve you well as you progress to more advanced topics in the field.