Master Grade 11 Math With Expert Video Solutions

Get instant help for any Grade 11 Math problem. Watch clear explanations, practice with tests & boost your grades in 30 days.
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12% average grade increase
92% success rate
30-day improvement
10,000+ video solutions
Proven Results

95% of students improve their grades within their first month. Join them and see an average 12% grade improvement.

Ace Your Tests

Get complete Grade 11 Math help with video solutions, practice tests, and step-by-step exam prep. 87% average improvement on final exams.

Complex Made Simple

Watch clear video lessons that make advanced Grade 11 Math topics finally make sense. 92% master difficult concepts within first week. more

Emily W.

Grade 11, Oakridge High School more

Michael L.

Grade 11, Westview Academy more

Sarah T.

Mother of Grade 11 student more

Mr. Anderson

Math Teacher, 15 years experience more

Jason K.

Grade 11, Lakeview High more

Olivia R.

Grade 11, Springdale College more

David H.

Father of Grade 11 student more

Ms. Thompson

Math Department Head more

Aiden C.

Grade 11, Hillcrest High School more

Sophia L.

Grade 11, Riverdale Academy more

Mrs. Martinez

Mother of two Grade 11 students more

Ryan W.

Grade 11, Cedarwood High more

Emma S.

Grade 11, Maplewood Prep more

Mr. Johnson

Math Teacher, 20 years experience more

Zoe T.

Grade 11, Pinecrest Academy

Grade 11 Math Topics


Factor by taking out the greatest common factor


Factor by grouping


Factoring trinomials


Factoring sum of cubes

Quadratic Functions

Introduction to quadratic functions


Completing the square


Shortcut: Vertex formula

Absolute Value Functions
Reciprocal Functions
Sequences and Series

Arithmetic sequences


Arithmetic series


Geometric sequences


Geometric series


Sigma notation

Kindergarten textbook
Grade 1 Math textbook
Grade 2 Math textbook
Grade 3 Math  textbook
Grade 4 Math textbook
Grade 5 Math textbook
Grade 6 Math textbook
Grade 7 Math textbook
Pre-Algebra textbook
Grade 8 Math textbook
Grade 9 Math textbook
Grade 10 Math textbook
Grade 11 Math textbook
Grade 12 Math textbook
Chemistry 11 textbook
Chemistry 12 textbook
Physics 11 textbook
Physics 12 textbook
BC Grade 8 Math textbook
BC Grade 9 Math textbook
Provincial Achievement Test textbook
EQAO Grade 9 Principles of Math textbook
EQAO Grade 9 Foundations of Math textbook
Math 30-1 textbook
Math 30-2 (Alberta) textbook
Trigonometry textbook
Statistics textbook
Microeconomics textbook
AP Statistics textbook
AP Calculus AB textbook
AP Calculus BC textbook
AP Chemistry textbook
IB Chemistry textbook
Provincial Achievement Test textbook
Math 30-1 textbook
Math 30-2 (Alberta) textbook

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Is grade 11 math hard?

Grade 11 math can be a struggle and will definitely put your math skills to the test. This can make it seem like grade 11 math is hard and overwhelming. But fear not – here at StudyPug we've made sure to address all your questions and concerns! From topics such as quadratic functions to Sigma notation, down to unraveling the Vertex formula, (and even more!) we're here to provide you help with grade 11 math. Our carefully crafted Grade 11 math tutorials are well suited for all – so whether you are a student that requires a refresher on fundamentals or a keener looking to get ahead of the game, we have content covering Grade 11 math for dummies as well as more advanced, challenging content. Regardless of the level of difficulty, we're here to help you every step of the way with step-by-step examples and lots of practice questions. Grade 11 Math does not have to be hard folks! With help from our review lessons and methodical-disciplined practice, you'll find yourself powering through the difficult questions with ease and confidence in no time!

How to prepare for grade 11 math?

Feeling unprepared for another year of math? Unsure about how and where to get started with grade 11 math? StudyPug has all the tools and resources for you to get you prepared and equipped for grade 11 math!

Understanding grade 11 math will take time and that can be difficult if you only see your tutor once a week or feel like you need a refresher on topics previously covered in class. Here at StudyPug our Grade 11 math tutors and all of our content are readily at your disposal whenever you need them. With 24/7 help and 1000's of lessons at your fingertips, we are here to help you exercise your understanding of grade 11 math topics and prepare for your upcoming Grade 11 math test and/or Grade 11 math exam preparation. Still feeling like you need more support and background information on some of the topics covered in grade 11 math? Some of the topics you are learning in Grade 11 math (e.g. Quadratic relations, completing the square) we started introducing in Grade 10 math. Grade 10 math is a prerequisite course for Grade 11 math and we strongly recommend a strong command of the knowledge and skills learned in Grade 10 to help you succeed in Grade 11 math. Head over to our Grade 10 math page to begin your revision now!

How do I use StudyPug to study Grade 11 Math?

Our intention for StudyPug was to create a 24/7, online companion to meet all your Grade 11 math tutoring needs. We've carefully designed our website to be intuitive and easy to navigate but we've also included this section for those of you that are visiting or trying us out for the first time. Keep in mind that if you are a student that is still unsure about whether StudyPug is for you, you can still sample our product/service by beginning with the free lessons that are accessible immediately without hassle.

As a general guideline, before jumping into any of our topics in grade 11 math, we recommend starting with assessing your prior knowledge. This is simply done by reviewing your familiarity with concepts we believe you should have a relatively strong command of. Almost all of our topics begin with an outline on the basic concepts you should know as well as other related, pertinent concepts.

If you know exactly what you are looking for, we recommend jumping straight to using our search engine tool. Use this to hone in on the concepts, topics, or questions you are finding the most difficult. Remember; don't be afraid if you feel like you need to begin with some of the rudimentary foundations you covered previously in grade 10 math or elsewhere.

Once you have identified the topic you require more work on, our short but informative video lessons wills walk you through examples (from easy to complex problems) to flesh out the concepts you need to learn as well as study tips and strategies. Watch and re-watch these lessons as many times as you need! We also provide a paraphrased transcript on the gist of what was addressed in the video if you prefer to learn and revise this way instead.

Last but certainly not the least of these steps, we encourage you to put your knowledge and skills to the test! We've prepared plenty of questions per topic for you to master and perfect! See how well you have learnt and acquire more practice from a wide variety and range (i.e. easy to hard) of questions.

Looking for a more entertaining read and method to learn some grade 11 math? Swing by our blog to learn about the fibonacci sequence and Kim Kardashian!

How to pass 11th grade math?

Preparing for a grade 11 Math test or exam? You've come to right place! Our home page has everything you need to learn Grade 11 Math. Here at StudyPug we exist to help you achieve your academic goals. So whether you are gearing up for a chapter test on the unit circle or require a quick overview of several topics for your big final exam, we want to make sure you are feeling confident in tackling all your assessments.

At StudyPug we provide numerous Grade 11 math lessons spanning multiple provincial, and international curriculums. We also build content around several renowned textbooks, so we're well on our way to helping you focus on the numerous topics and types of questions you may be struggling with in 11th grade math.

Remember this – learning and preparing to pass 11th grade math will not happen overnight! So do not fret if you are finding certain chapters or problems more challenging than others. The key is to first ensure a strong grasp of the underlying concepts and then get into the habit of exercising your knowledge through practice. With over 290 unique practice questions in total for 11th grade math, we readily supplement your classroom learning with the objective of not to merely pass 11th grade math, but to also obtain excellent grades while in the process. Our inventory of practice questions is available to you immediately and should make easy practice out of 11th grade math questions.

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