{"id":1685,"date":"2017-12-08T23:28:03","date_gmt":"2017-12-08T23:28:03","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.studypug.com\/blog\/?p=1685"},"modified":"2024-08-08T20:20:55","modified_gmt":"2024-08-08T20:20:55","slug":"the-history-of-math","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/blog.studypug.com\/the-history-of-math\/","title":{"rendered":"The History Of Math"},"content":{"rendered":"
If it wasn\u2019t for the ancient Sumerians, Egyptians and Greeks, who laid the foundation of modern math, we would be still stuck in the stone age. Of course there have been incredible mathematicians from literally all parts of the world, but it is these three specific civilizations that have been credited with starting it all.<\/p>\n So did we do any calculations before these ancient geniuses showed up? Or were we just hunters and gatherers that were running around in the mud simply looking to survive?<\/p>\n Contrary to popular belief, this notion is actually false.<\/p>\n Believe it or not, humans were performing advanced calculations 1000s of years before any Sumerian, Egyptian or Greek philosopher showed up.<\/p>\n We were doing math way back in our caveman days. Today the math and science community refers to these calculations found as “Prehistoric math”.<\/p>\n In fact, it was during this time that basic roots of algebra<\/a>, calculus<\/a> and every form of advanced mathematics we know today were laid down. Scientists have discovered wooden tablets in Africa that date back over 20,000 years ago with a proper counting system on it. Same types of artifacts and evidence were discovered near Stonehenge. In addition there are thousand of examples of prehistoric math that has been unearthed all over the world.<\/p>\n So math literally started when we first appeared on this planet. It all began with simple calculations using very simple tools. Instead of using a MacBook air like most of us do today, our ancestors had an abundance of sticks and rocks. Guess you can call them the first variation of calculators. Heck even an abacus would be absolutely groundbreaking to our ancestors during this time.<\/p>\n It was during this era that basic addition and subtraction started taking form. Overtime, as things got complicated for human beings (Basic barter trading, building tribes, etc), the need for advanced math got bigger and almost organically, things started to naturally evolve.<\/p>\n Soon the next quantum leap occurred . . . Thanks to the ancient Sumerians.<\/p>\n The ancient Sumerians and Babylonians developed a special kind of numeric system that had a base of 60. Although completely different from the Greeks, the Egyptians and others, this system of using 60 as a base is considered the founding principle of modern mathematics. Basically, this was the first standardized way of using Math. In addition, the Sumerians and Babylonians were already using quadratic equations, geometry and even right angled triangles.<\/p>\n Long before the famous Greek mathematician Pythagoras so called \u201cdiscovered\u201d it. Needless to say, the ancient Sumerians were on another level. I guess when you don\u2019t have Social media to distract you, you brain can actually come up with some wonderful things.<\/p>\n Moving on to the ancient Egyptians, it is globally believed that it was the mighty pyramid builders who fully created the 10 base number system. A mathematical system that our current modern civilization is based on. Not to mention additional and deeper advances in arithmetic and geometry that the Egyptians left for us. This all makes sense because there is no way you can make those incredible pyramids without any proper math knowledge. After all, it\u2019s not like they could go on Google and hire an architect or a math tutor \ud83d\ude42<\/p>\n<\/a><\/p>\n